Zionazi’s at it again

The sexual pressure has gotten too much. It’s been too long since Zionist Israyhellis last masturbated over the bodies of dead Palestinians. So to get their sexual catharsis, they’re once again killing more kids and innocent adults whose crime has been to be born on land the Ziofreaks decided to steal. All fully supported by fellow necrophiliacs Obama and Cameron, like all US and UK ‘leaders’ before them.

The real modern axis of evil USUKZ simply cannot stop. It’s love of slaughtering people seems insatiable.

And of course the shitty BBC/BBZ is talking about it as there are no instigators and no victims – other than the poor Israyhellis of course. As usual when the BBZ can be bothered to talk about the killing of a Palestinian, then that Palestinian is  ‘Militant’ as though the accused was on some operation in progress with just seconds left before Israyhell came to a fiery end.  The BBZ is a real nasty piece of work – a perfect companion to lick the hand of who it loyally serves. It simply cannot and will not report things as they are regarding to the genocide against the Palestinians. It always counters the MASSIVE, instigation of  force and bombs (supplied by US with full support of the UK) with some mysterious and totally inapplicable and sickly laughable  notion of balance, reducing the eye for an eyelash to equality.

Just imagine them applying their Israyhelli methodology to Cambodia.

I hope and pray the BBZ’s lies and deceptions are easily sen through by the people, and I think they may well.

I seriously look forward to the day the BBC makes it’s last rotten broadcast.


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