more British police child sex abuse porn molestation paedophilia – this time with added satanism

British police. Best police in the world. Best corruption, best kiddie child porn, sex pimps, child sex abuse, best framers, best liars, best civilian killers (oh, oops, I think the yank police are actually better on that one). Yip, that’s right folks. British is Best.


more British police child sex abuse porn molestation paedophilia – this time with added satanism


Remember this???  Child porn policeman stabbed to death.

5 Responses to “more British police child sex abuse porn molestation paedophilia – this time with added satanism”

  1. 1 magistraygraine July 8, 2009 at 9:45 pm

    There seems to be some confusion. What is described here is not Satanism but the Christian Heresy called Devil Worship. Satanism prohibits child abuse and forbids minors from being involved in any rituals or ceremonies. Satanism is a new religion founded in 1966 with a clear and concise dogmatic canon that includes The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals, & The Satanic Scriptures (LaVey, LaVey, & Gilmore.) These Satanic rules are mandatory and not open to interpretation.

    These cowardly criminals should not be allowed to pretend that there is some religious excuse for their behavior. They are garden variety perverts who like to play dress up. They obviously believe in the Christian God and the Christian devil, and have no comprehension of Satanism, just the stereotypes taught to them from Christian pulpits and Hollywood movies.

    Magistra Ygraine
    Church of Satan

  2. 2 lwtc247 July 9, 2009 at 12:47 am

    I read an artricle on The Truthseeker not so long ago which suggested a difference, but I didn’t really persue the article futher to the point of appreciating the difference.

    I feel very awkward in engaging with you, a self declared Satinist. But i am very curious.

    Do you classify yourself as evil? Is satan evil? Is what Roger Morneau said here: A Trip Into The Supernatural ( ) ‘fair’ about Satainism? Do you practice black magic and manefest/command Djinn?

    But thank you for the clarification. pick up on what satanism and distinguish it properly.

  3. 3 magistraygraine July 9, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    Do you classify yourself as evil? Is satan evil? Is what Roger Morneau said here: A Trip Into The Supernatural ( ) ‘fair’ about Satainism? Do you practice black magic and manefest/command Djinn?

    1. No, I am not “evil.” I consider many facets of Christianity evil: Forgiveness, the lack of personal responsibility caused by faith in God, etc…What makes Satanists “evil” is their rejection of all gods/devils/angels/demons/faeries/spirits and hobbits. To the mainstream we are evil because we do not accept ANY external deity.

    2. Satan, firstly, is merely a metaphor—a mythological figure who represents a being who refuses to kneel before God. Secondly Satan is not a person, but an ancient Hebrew word meaning “the adversary,” “the accuser,” or “the opponent,” of the religious status quo. Only Christians believe in a literal Satan and only Christian Heretics would bother “worshiping” him.

    3. Magic is neither black nor white and prayer is as much a magical practice as any. For the Satanist there is Greater magic, which is ceremonial/ritualistic and is a form of psychodrama designed to “re-program” the magician in preparation for accomplishing something or celebrating something. Lesser magic is simply utilizing psychology for benefit.

    I am unfamiliar with the video mentioned but will eventually check it out. Thanks.


  4. 4 lwtc247 July 10, 2009 at 4:50 am


    So no need for me to say sorry for the miswording in the last sentence? Actually, I wanted to say “thank you for the clarification about Satanism and helping me distinguish it properly.”

    But if there’s no forgiveness I guess there is no thanks either?? Are all ‘sins’ punished rather than be forgiven? If so, isn’t punishment in itself an act of forgiveness due to the presumption that the punishment ends? Punishment shouldn’t end if it didn’t contain a level of forgiveness.

    Hobbits didn’t leave a most glorious book or a lineage of men ALL of who preached the same beautiful values in harmony with our human and spiritual selves, leaving a universe full of signs as the existence of a creator. That’s how I see and I suspect both of us are firm enough in out convictions not get into a theological or atheological debate. But where does Satanism get you? God gives life meaning. I don’t see any meaning in Satanism.

    I guess most self professed Satanists would actually worship Satan rather than not worship anything. You mentioned on your blog 3 boys who raped and eventually sacrificed a girl. They worshipped Satan right? But you suggest there is a ‘split’ in the ‘church of Satanism’ An ignorant guess would see me plummet that most Satanists would worship Satan.

    Muslims (and Jews) also believe in a figure of Satan. The Angel of fire who refused to bow to the superiority creation (being man).

    Prayer is magic, to an interpretation then yes, perhaps. But it is for good (classical definition of good).

    Thanks (if you accept thanks) for corresponding. No doubt you’ve had these low level base-questions a million times before. I did go to your blog and read a some of your posts to get a better handle on it.

    So u don’t advocate physical acts that some would deem evil in the human suffering/pain/killing sense? Is you version of Satanism connected the the Jewish Kabala/Zohar? And if so how?

  5. 5 magistraygraine July 10, 2009 at 12:34 pm

    Um…I thanked YOu at the end of my post.

    Actually manners and etiquette are DEMANDED in the Church of Satan. Being anything less than polite and civil will result in termination of membership.

    “But if there’s no forgiveness I guess there is no thanks either?? Are all ’sins’ punished rather than be forgiven? If so, isn’t punishment in itself an act of forgiveness due to the presumption that the punishment ends? Punishment shouldn’t end if it didn’t contain a level of forgiveness.”

    The Satanist’s concern is that the criminal/offender feels pain and the victim receives justice. In the personal realm the Satanist decides whether or not to forgive one who has done them wrong—they are not obligated to do so. The who theory is based on the lack of god or devils or heaven or hell—justice must occur here and now.

    “Hobbits didn’t leave a most glorious book or a lineage of men ALL of who preached the same beautiful values in harmony with our human and spiritual selves, leaving a universe full of signs as the existence of a creator. That’s how I see and I suspect both of us are firm enough in out convictions not get into a theological or atheological debate. But where does Satanism get you? God gives life meaning. I don’t see any meaning in Satanism.”

    I am amazed that anyone finds the Holy Bible glorius. It is a mythology and lifestyle commandment for a specific group of people at a specific place and time in history.Aside from the tremendous amount of contradictions (Thous shall not kill but thou shall not suffer a witch to live—and there are a hundred other people and groups equally worthy of killing in the OT)the book is racist, sexist, genocidal, anti-child, anti-family and just plain mean. Even Jesus claims to have come back with a sword and not to end the OT but to fulfill it. YES, I HAVE READ THE BOOK! ;)

    But more than all that is I love life. I love my family and friends and pets and the sun and the moon and I don’t need God to give my life meaning. The wonder and beauty of each day is meaningful. My choices are meaningful. My children are meaningful.

    As for Devil Worshiping Heretics who wrongly call themselves Satanists? They are a product of the churches who glamorize and excite those who they disenfranchise. They fil their heads with tales of how powerful Satan is and then are surprised to find members of their flock worshiping him. To me and the CoS they are merely dangerous Christians.

    The Satanic Bible forbids all acts of sacrifice. Without gods there is no one to sacrifice to.

    The freedom of Satanic sexuality is based on adult responsibility so all acts of sex must be between adults and consensual.

    The Church of Satan is about self-divinity. Like Milton’s Lucifer we refuse to kneel before any god. We are our own gods, each individual. No one else controls us. There is no devil to blame or god to thank. We alone are responsible for all our choices. Satan is merely the figure that represents our hedonistic joy of life itself, and of the power of personal responsibility.

    Your questions are intelligent. That is rare enough that I never mind.

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