Archive for November, 2010

Ryan Dawson. War by Deception by sections and bonus features

War by Deception (sept 2010 rework) by sections
Chapter 1 Conspiracy Deniers vs Kooks ignore the extremes Covert ops are normal.
Chapter 2 Iran Contra comparison, 911 hypothesis
Chapter 3 Mass Media lies
Chapter 4 PNAC, Zionist origins for war hype This is the dry part of the film going over documentation, sorry I don’t have any giant owls or spooky symbolism to spice it up, but what I do have is reality, real people, real documented propaganda and real consequences.
Chapter 5 The Lemming Effect Neocons selling nuclear secrets, spies, lies, and Israeli ties
Chapter 6 Where was the cabal on 911?
Chapter 7 Anthrax and USreal Connecting Iraq and Al Qaeda to anthrax neither sent
Chapter 8 “Al Qaeda” Hijackers, are not what you’re told
Chapter 9 Disclaimer distancing from the 911 kook movement and Jones town sensationalism
Chapter 10 The 911 Commission/cover up
Chapter 11/12, 911 truck bombs and bombers caught Israelis released. WTC 7 and 911 damage control
Chapter 12/13 WTC 7 and the 911 damage control
The MIC How they waste your money[/size]
And what their long term plan is.
*The Bush and Schmitz families an orgy of global organized crime and weird sex scandals
* How They Fuck you 101
* DOD the revolving door
* Climate cultist don’t want you to see
* Iraq prewar lies chalk board flow chart
* Dear Richard Perle Fuck you (he even gets flicked off by a 1 year old)
* Obama same shit new ass hole
* Palestine RIP
* Blackmail… Congress possibly more backwards than the Vatican.

Anything not linked is loading. Chapter 10 is an extra. You can watch the film without it.
More information has recently come out about the 911 commission so what I am doing is making an extra chapter to go over the commission members first and then the bogus report separately. So check back for it.

This site is against war, Zionism, (or any other form of racism), profiteering, and all forms of government corruption, mass media deception, and cover ups. This is not a site to flail on about space aliens-illuminati-masonic-deathcult-jewish-catholic-lizard-lucifarian-jesuit-queen-barvarian-etc bull hockey. Take that junk somewhere else.
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“It doesn’t matter who we are underneath. It is what we do that defines us.” Batman Image

“If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it or see it.
Would Israel still blame it on Iran?”-Ry Dawson

Google version of War by Deception (Magic Bunnies)
Pass HR 1207 and S604 audit the Fed


It finally looks like Brits and Yanks are starting to pay the price for the bankruptcy of perverted economic and moral bankruptcy (neo-imperialism) they allowed continue (largely unopposed and suckled off) for decades if not centuries. In all honesty, I can’t say I have any sympathy for them, after all, they keep voting for proven killers and killers-to-be, they are utterly deluded that the political system UK and US (I don’t care if you call it Democracy or what – as it’s totally irrelevent) is anything other a great failure.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”   – (Galatians 6:7 KJV)

The greatest protests the world has ever seen (Feb 2003)  against the looming obliteration of Iraq were encouraging (despite the fact Iraq had been under 12 years of murderous sanctions and wicked bombings by the rAF and USAF) but when the bombing started, those same people were pretty much content that ‘Febuary’s first step‘ meant that they had done their ‘bit’. How miserable.

As regards to the self declared non-elected leaders of the so called anti-war movement, they proved to be a disgrace. manufactured dissent, firmly thinking within the box, (I’m beginning to hate the expression “Thinking outside the box” because  ‘outside the box’ is not really outside the box at all. It’s actually still well within the establishments box – that of permitted dissent, besides, saying ‘out of the box’ is just about said by almost everyone these days who are attempting self-projection, believing they are subtly callin themselves clever, but in actual fact, they are drawing attention to themselves by trotting out tired and boring populist expressions. Saying ‘thinking outside box’ is now confirmation they are actually in sheeple box. I’ll grant Steve Jobs an honourable exception here) or simply cowards;

Actually it’s all three.

The so called ‘anti-war’ movement should have called for certain politicians (bLiar, Straw & Brown for a start) should have been hung drawn and quartered – not an extreme act at all, as it’s a similar philosophy bLiar & Co. used (so called pre-emptive military action*) – putting bLiars head on a spike outside Westminster would have saved a million innocent lives, but in fact it’s even more moral based compared to bLiars pretence at a moral stance, in that bLiar’s justification was a clear lie, Saddam was never going to attack, but it was abundantly clear bastard bLiar and jackass BuSh, Howard and Aznar were going to destroy Iraq – illegally. Lets not forget those so called Muslim Countries that did nothing, or those like France, China and Russia that stood by calculating no detriment to their own interests (and very likely thought they would ‘gain’ in the long term from it).  

Selfish Brits of course would have none of putting bLiars demon head on a spike – for passers by to spit at. It’s simply not on to kill a pathological liar, a cheat, hypocrite, willing partner in infanticide (over half a million Iraqi kids during 12 years of abhorrent sanctions). Blair is English, speaks English, wealthy, held power, and is white. All attributes which entitle him to escape punishment for his murder lust. Iraqi’s on the other hand are poor, darker-skinned, powerless, Iraqi and Muslim… BOMBS AWAY !!!

So the justice of having bLiar publically executed is unlikely to be realised, but at least they could have called for him to be publically beaten to a pulp, allowed to recover and then beaten to a pulp again and again; treatment herr mudjesties forces did to the people of Iraq.

Or at least allow some Iraqi mourners whose kids were blown to smithereens to given a damn good shiner and had a bloodied nose and a decent scar across his repulsive face and scratch his eyes out with their fingernails.

Despite the failing of the ridiculous so called ‘ant-war’ movement, people should not have ceded their morality to these anti-war ‘leaders’ and/or buried their moral conscience into an emotion-proof dungeon. They should stopped paying tax, refused to purchase goods from nations in the correctly named Coalition of the Killing, they should have taken out as much of their money from the banks and so on. But no, they were unwilling to risk any ‘luxury’. February (for those who bothered) was fine. And if you didn’t do any of those things, you could try, starting from tomorrow.

Today the UK and UK citizens still vote of liars, cheats, embezzlers, killers, killers-to-be, immoral shells (probably freemasonic/cabbalistic Satan worshippers – openly conscious of the fact or not) wanting to bend the law to their advantage and use it as a club to pummel the people who voted for them, while giving reassurances that everything’s ok, we’ll all pull through. I haven’t heard that other war-criminal Winston Churchill’s been called upon yet, but the stopwatch is running.

Face facts. Voters hands are bloodied with the crimes of the elect-ees. There is no escape from that.

So, the fact the western snake is starting to consuming its own tail, is actually a strange sence of poetic justice.

I do feel sorry for those that DID speak out against the white hot evil their nation spewed (and keeps spewing) out, but such people are tiny in number.

This post follows partly from watching Francis Fukuyama on Re: Noam Chomsky, StefZ said on Famous for 15 megapixels wrote something like “people keep saying Chomsky is a leading intellectual”. Fukuyama seems to be same. He’s preaching to the choir and gets promoted and admired by it. I first heard this (similar) ‘in-house’ point on the BBC”s Question Time in which Salman Rushdie’s literary award was dismissed as it was a bit of a Trades Union award / closed shop kind of honourarium. Fukuyama says some absolutely ridiculous and incredibly ignorant things (which I may describe in one of my final posts {assuming this isn’t it}) His rubbish words lapped up by his audience (TED’s a bit like this too – got it’s head up it’s ass, believing it occupies some kind of multi-dimensional high ground)  show what deep shit the planet we are in, a secular occidental bog of collapse. All of these occidentials (and Tariq Ramadan sadly seems little different) are like this. Beyond Sun Tzu, Confusious and Lao Tzu name 5 Chinese intellextons. Beyond Ghandi, and Siddhartha Gautama, name 5 leading Intellectuals, Name 10 African Intellectuals. Name 10 South American intellectuals. Don’t be surprised if you can’t – the West won’t let you. You’re only an intellectual if you play the game. And what a sick game it is.  

As well as residual feelings from my previous post, this post is also a result from the commentators on Craig Murray’s site and indeed Craig Murray himself. Craig posted something about no hope a week or so ago expressing he saw no hope and failed to realise the way he’s courting (conventional)politics with zero resistance (see above)  is why there is no hope. The commentators on that post and his subsequent post are the same. His commentators are of course far worse (I actually have a decent amount of respect for Mr. Murray, but it pains me that he’s performing like a half-way house). The commentators are those who talk-the-talk mighty fine, but don’t walk-the-walk, yet they believe they are radicals or true liberals and that the system is perhaps sound but just going through a rough period. Hah! Dupes(many of them). “Ooooh, we are going to drown” they cementing their feet in large blocks and throwing themselves off the jetty.

I am old, and no longer have fresh questions to ask about this world. I know how it run, I know the score. I know where it’s headed. Indeed Mr. Murray, there is no hope at all – at least in places where this globalised hegemony reaches – which is pretty much everywhere.

I look back on my youth (up to perhaps my mid 20’s) and remember a time when I thought there was actually something good and exciting about this world. I was really scared of it’s vastness and diversity.

Not now.

It’s all the same and it stinks. It’s suffocating the good people – mostly poor and innocent – people of traditional culture and values.

The western heartless, godless self pontificating/promoting arrogant world is fast approaching it’s doom. It’s fully realisable. Actually, it’s could be postponed but definately not with a prevailing ‘mind’.

Let the TSA continue to humiliate the people who voted for Clinton / Bush / Obama or whatever tyrant puppet is in control. Let the Irish idiots who voted for their funny-money politicians and loved them when they yields were high and the champagne flowed feel the consequences of their acton. Let the Brits feel austerity and have moe lies and deceptions flow from the mouths of the people they voted for (and will vote for next time) while more Yemeni, Somali, Pakistani, Haitians, Burmese, Roma, and of course the Palestinians in an ongoing Holocaust and other peoples etc.. continute to be oppressed by these secular power holding vampires.

It’s just a pity the good people will suffer too. 

My posts here are going to become very infrequent. There is no point. Even those USans who know 911 was a lie (WTC 7 – the main achillies heel of that horrific (ritual?) massacre) won’t do anything meaningful to stop the rot. The centres of power in China will continue as long as it believes it’s elite is making money, as will Russia, Brazil, India, The huge central asian ‘Stans’ are all on the same path, and I will not forget to mention the rotten seed of it all:  Israyhell. Israyhell is close to openly assuming it’s apocaplypic position as leadingnation in the world and so their champagne will also run dry soon. The powerfully built Jew with curly hair proclaiming(falsley) to be the messiah is almost ready to make his appearance. His paradise will he hell and his hell will be paradise, but you’re already in his paradise, faux-democray being a useful tool propagating it, and you will just vote again in his paradise to get even more paradise. And if you don’t believe the dajjal will get you, the dying environment and the GM(junk) food will.

After a last fling of time wasting, I’m purging my time wasting hobbies and am going to knuckle down with acquiring knowledge of my Creator and worshipping him accordingly.

That’s all that matters. Nothing else.

I will try and respond to the funny and thought provoking, most welcomed comments people graciously spend their time leaving here, and I may, occasionally, when I’ve decided to read current events for a quick break, post here again but like this world is entering its twilight, so is this blog while spiritual being makes effort to emerge from its self imposed twilight.

The twilight is just about here now, but I’ll leave with this; A pic of from the newz-journo-junk organisation called the BBC. Source:
(copy the link and although the above is correct, to read the article, replace the ‘ZION-NEWS-OUTLET’ part with ‘bbc’)

Big heads up to by the way.

* of course there was nothing pre-emptive about it. The Pre-emptive doctrine was ‘strike them before they strike us’ and of course you realise they would NEVER have struck us. but shich is the extent ir perverse and mind-rotting ssumes you act now to

Riz Khan – Are we living in the end times – Slavoj Zizek

Interesting guy.

Generally, when I see a worshippers of Marx proselytising, visions of my old Student Union president appear before my eyes and is coupled with a strong feeling of wanting to say to him ‘grow up’. Zizek’s ‘thinking out of the Marx (match)box’ is refreshing, taking those bits Marxism (which by the way Marx likely rehashed cum swiped from Socrates) that are sensible but leaving off the “I ♥ marx”  underpants.

It’s going to be interesting to see the atheists expressions of denial morph to horror should they ever have the aptitude to see that their own predictions of turmoil map onto eschatology, but then again, fantasy is deadly seductive.

UK general: Cannot defeat al-Qaeda

UK general: Cannot defeat al-Qaeda.” – Well, we’ll just have to keep on fighting them then.

Errrrmm, wait a minute…


The growingly unpopular (specifically at  least, here,) Max Keiser, the man who predicted the collapse of Icelands economy, had a guest on his show a few weeks back who said there was unease and loss in confidence that certain contracts(? – not sure if this is the correct term), i.e. supposedly special ‘safe’ deposits actually ‘backed by storage of real physical gold’, were not actually true, causing contract holders to try and call these contracts in (there was also some coincidental fire in a warehouse that destroyed some recepits/contracts or whatever – i.e. ‘the dog ate it’)

Now it appears something similar may happening to silver.

Thanks to Matthias Chang at

Touched by Satan

I’ve just had a rare and weird feeling.

You’ve probably read descriptions about this feeling from a number of sources, I have, and generally the descriptions are described quite well, but its quite another thing to actually have the feeling yourself, for when you have the feeling, then it becomes real. I believe people who have what’s called near death experiences could relate to that.

Anyway, some time last year I was in the cinema. I don’t know why or how, but I just kinds ‘dropped out’ from the act of watching and enjoying the movie. To call it a spiritual feeling wouldn’t be too wrong.  I kind of looked around and saw that everything was ‘fake’ an illusion almost as though it staged – or even a trap if you will. I kind of interpret it as a mercy from God – in a way, a gentle wake up call, or perhaps little reminder.

I hate it when people draw upon the movies to describe life, so I’m going to do a bit of self-hating right now because in a way, it was a bit like ‘The Truman Show’. The world wasn’t real – or rather how I was fillting and using the world wasn’t real – that is I wasn’t making use of the world as I should have been. I knew the seconds of my life were ticking by and here I was in a cinema watching a movie – wasting time. I was very aware that really I was just waiting ‘life force’ and that indeed I could and should be doing something much better. Were those EXIT signs independent of this feeling or playing a subtle kind of role?

I like to think of myself as a Muslim. As such I know the purpose of life is to worship Allah. There’s a number of ways in which one can ‘get on with life’ in worship of Allah, but watching a fantasy movie wasn’t one of them. More self-hatred coming up: In that episode of ‘The Simpsons’ where Homor has 24 hours to live (he ate a blowfish) and after surviving, he vows to change the way he lives his life only to be pictured the next day doing exactly the same as what he’s always done prior to the vow. I think he was pictured asleep at the TV with a football game blaring away in the background, and the sad thing is, that’s kind of the result of my experience.

Why am I writing this? Well, about an hour and a half agom I had that feeling again, but it was preceeded – perhaps triggered – by a bit of a shock relating to some people I know (see below) and I’m wondering if once more I’ll let it pass or will I act upon it this time?

When I think about it logically, I’m pretty certain God will throw me some tests, and I must never assume I am free of the whispers of the Iblis (the devil) – that’s a mistake I’m sure most people make. They believe they are immune to the suggestions of Iblis, or that Iblis is ‘busy’ on someone else – like iblis has the same kind of physical limitations as ourself. Oh how desparetly wrong!

Thanks be to God, my life is very comfortble. I currently know of no personal hardhsips. Right now I’m appreciating my good health; I’m pain, strain, cough and sniffle free. I’m in the comfort zone in all ways not just health, and with the reoccurance of this feeling, I’m thinking again “perhaps this is my test. Will I squander my remaining life force (again)”?

I also waste a lot of time playing two very old computer strategy games. Pure time wastage. I know that. I think from tonight I will make another effort never to play them again, but what of my other hobbies? Reading politics, history, some economics, about secret societies and so on. Where does time wasteage begin and legitimiate knowledge acquisition begin? Does it ever ‘begin’?

Blogging? almost definately a waste of time. I’ve blogged to voice out objection to horrific injustices happening in this world today, and to hear from others on the subject, but it’s achieved nothing. Either has my reading of politics and just about everything else. This is true of e-mail and just about all other modernisms. It seems like it’s all a pointless waste. I think I’m in danger of failing the test. I often want to shed this stuff off and get back to real living, even though I’m not 100% sure what real living actually is.

Now and again I feel I should ALT-F4 everything and get my heart back in spiritual tune with my Creator but again I really don’t think I’m one of those 100% religion types – if you know what I mean (I lack the words with which to describe them and I don’t mean to be derogatory)

Getting back to the Satan thing. I feel it’s important to ask “What is satan trying to make me do now”? Has that beautiful girl I just saw been thrown my way to try and tempt me into trying to get close to her etc etc? {Thankfully my resolve in that department as improved over the years, but a womans beauty is very potent indeed!} Is there a new computer game pushing it’s way into my attention so that I’ll spend weeks and weeks and weeks of my free time playing it? etc.

What of the people around me? – and this is a major contrbuting factor as to why I’m writing this post.

The study of the Dajjal and end times is something that fascinates me. It’s said 999 out of 1000 are set for the fires of hell. Islam will be split into many sects. The touch of Satan will evidently be very difficult to shake off. Islam and Muslims have been and will experience this touch. It’s ridiculous to think Freemasonry/Cabbalism hasn’t infiltrated Islam, pulling Muslims from God. Zionism/Black Pope Jesuits/Black Magic, possession by Jinn, sex, money, power etc, all ways that iblis can impart his touch and what a prize a Muslims/monotheist would be. Will/do I fall foul and become one of them? Will my friends and those I respect?

Some of those friends have today given me reason to start wondering whether this statanic corruption of Islam has actually uncovered itseld. Are some of the great Muslims, (not my friends, but about one or two steps outside my ‘friend circle’),  of who I also have a lot of respect for, actually fifth columnists? Possibilities were raisd today of links to these satanic deviations specifically freemasonry/Cabbalism (but all these secret groups lead to the same end anyway – ‘whatever it takes’ – right Iblis? I know it’s your modus operandi). Thing is, some of the these people are in my estimation, at the leading edge of Islamic resurgence. And to those spooks that read this blog, no you idiots – it’s not the phoey phantom militant Islamic resurgence, the synthetic terror you guys dreampt up, but real Islamic resurgence (come to think of it, real Islamic resurgence is exactly what your ‘upper djinn possessed bosses’ are trying to prevent ergo that synthetic terror manefestation’ – Oh well – screw you too!).

I’m quite sure all things that have happened in my life have some kind of meaning. All the people I’ve met, all the things I’ve read all the knowledge I’m accumulated, so how should I apply this to the possibilities. Is this part of my test?

I don’t know. Can I do anything about it? I don’t think so. Should I spend time on it? Maybe not – it could be yet another distraction, the ‘greater mirage’. Is it time to become more insular and just let all these time wasting things pass by and power-up my personal standing with God? I think so but perhaps I owe it to myself to check out.

I’m not sure why I wanted to publish this. What’s it going to achieve? I think I’ve just wasted more time :(

Viva Palestina – break the siege:

Viva Palestina - break the siege

This blog supports victims of western aggression

This blog supports victims of western aggression

BooK: The Hand of Iblis. Dr Omar Zaid M.D.

Book: The Hand of Iblis
An Anatomy of Evil
The Hidden Hand of the New World Order
Summary Observations and History

Data on Fukushima Plant – (NHK news)

Fukushima Radiation Data

J7 truth campaign:

July 7th Truth Campaign - RELEASE THE EVIDENCE!

Recommended book: 3rd edition of Terror on the Tube – Behind the Veil of 7-7, An Investigation by Nick Kollerstrom:

J7 (truth) Inquest blog

July 7th Truth Campaign - INQUEST BLOG
Top rate analysis of the Inquest/Hoax

Arrest Blair (the filthy killer)

This human filth needs to be put on trial and hung!


JUST - International Movement for a Just World


Information Clearing House - Actual News and global analysis

John Pilger:

John Pilger, Journalist and author

Media Lens

My perception of Media Lens: Watching the corrupt corporate media, documenting and analysing how it bends our minds. Their book, 'Newspeak' is a gem.

Abandon the paper $cam:

Honest and inflation proof currency @ The Gold Dinar
November 2010