Archive for February, 2011

The signs of Allah,

Signs of Allah.

Today, driving West on Malaysia’s best road surface – the federal highway – I saw heavy rain in the far distance. That great continuous sheet originating from the dark grey clouds stretching to the ground – whilst I was bathed in warm sunshine – triggered me off in pondering about how amazing rain is;  that rain which is “practically guaranteed” to fall on land to enable life to grow so that we may eat and thrive; the rains WILL come.

Past thoughts soon resurged in my mind as I was struck at the awesomeness at the workings of the natural world. I also thought how unfortunate are those that never see the beauty of the natural world or science, and those even more unfortunate people who believe such things are purely by accident.

As a youngster treading a small path of wondering just what was the truth about life, I came across discussions on science in the Qur’an. One discussion was on embryology and how in the Qur’an features of embryology were mentioned. One such feature was that of almudghata which was helpfully translated to a ‘chewed lump’.

In the literature I saw, (I think the one below is the one) From

there was a picture of an embryo placed beside some substance which was labelled as ‘chewed lump’ and they looked pretty much the same.

To be honest, I wasn’t impressed. It occurred to me that the thing that was chewed was chewed in such a fashion so that it would look like the embryo.

Anyway along the journey I concluded I had seen the ultimate truth and that was when I was reading the Qur’an about how prophet Jesus (as) or Isa as he’s known to Muslims was taken away from the eyes men. I became scared. Scared that I might die before I would have the opportunity to declare my Shahada in front of witnesses. Getting to the mosque was a nervous affair watching all the traffic for any potential accident that would deny me my goal of uttering ‘Laa illah ha illAllah, Muhammadar rasoolul la.” (Which by the way, I said because nobody tried to help me say it correctly – which was strange).

For years, I still never felt satisfied with the ‘chewed lump’ thing, even though I was now trying to be a Muslim. But one day I was eating a chewy sweet. My head was tilting down for some reason and while I was chewing it my mouth must have opened and the sweet fell out. I was stunned at what I saw. Immediately the shape of the chewy sweet that fell from my mouth made me recall the images of the embryo and the chewed lump that I had seen many years before. In my mind, all three looked exactly the same and of course, I had not put any effort into consciously shaping the sweet in that way. subhanAllah. Had this happened by accident? Surely not. Surely this was the All Mighty giving me peace of mind about some nagging feeling I had held for a long time. Surely this was a sign from God.

To some, like the rain, this event is “trivial, stupid and laughable even, a tiny ‘meaningless’ spec of dust of an event causing me to have such feelings. There is no sign from God. It’s was all an accident. To believe that my heart soothed with Grace of Allah from this/these experiences is the height of folly.” I can appreciate those thoughts as before I became a Muslim, I believed that rational science dispelled God. There was NO way hearing such a tale would make me believe in the traditional accounts of God. I would have said of people for whom good things had just happened (remembering good things happen to non-believers as well as believers!) that believers were simply attributing the good things as an act of God with no basis (or perhaps thought about it) whatsoever. But having become a believer (of the Muslim variety) I somehow now, had/have what I regard as an “insiders view” as to the things that I see happening around me (including, but less easily, the bad things too) without particularly having to ‘force’ myself to think of the God dimension to it; but of course the God dimension quickly comes along anyway.

Today at the museum I say two old Qur’ans. The script was beautiful. I imagined the person who hundreds of years ago wrote this whole Qur’an. Carefully writing out each letter and sound markers [The Qur’an is a protected communication from God All Mighty to Muhammad (saw) through the angel Gabriel]. I thought that the author could never ever have imagined that his efforts would be displayed in the Malaysia’s national museum hundreds of years later. At first thought, you might, as I did, think the author did imagine such a travelling point for that Qur’an, that such a though may have caused the scriber to smile and be happy, but I then began thinking the author would not actually be happy at the fact it was stuck in a glass box with people unable to turn its Unique and Majestical message. I also felt a bit down when I started thinking that nowadays most of this script is just printed from computers and that almost nobody is likely ever again to scribe the words of Allah by hand in such a beautiful fashion. I thought this way because the handwriting appeared to the same as the computer generated script – itself an amazing aspect relating to those who scribr the Qur’an.

So as the rain today reminded me, I feel ‘sad’ (not the right word perhaps but I cant think of a better one right now) that some people will never understand this and some people will never ‘find’ God. May He breathe God consciousness into your soul dear reader and may he do it soon, so that you too will experience these tremendous feelings and get close to Him. Amin.

Coca-Cola CocaCola, Coke secret recipe revealed.

Still no mention of  it on the BBC. Wonder why. 

Coca Cola recipe ‘discovered’
A website claims to have uncovered Coca-Cola’s top secret recipe. 

Coca-Cola’s top secret recipe has allegedly been revealed Photo: REUTERS

By Barney Henderson 12:53AM GMT 15 Feb 2011


The ingredients of the drink, created by John Pemberton, a medicinal pharmacist in 1886, have always been a mystery.

However, claims to have discovered a list in a photograph in a newspaper article giving the ingredients and exact quantities to make the drink.

The Feb 8 1979 edition of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a photo of someone holding open a book with a recipe claimed to be an exact replica of Pemberton’s.

The recipe reportedly contains the exact measures of all the different oils needed for Coca Cola’s secret ingredient, Merchandise 7X.

Despite making up only one per cent of the drink’s total formula, Merchandise 7X is thought to give the popular soft drink its unique taste.

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·         Cancer fear over colouring in cola

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·         Coca-cola drink advert banned

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23 Aug 2010The official recipe is said to be guarded 24-hours a day in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia.The ‘secret recipe’

Fluid extract of Coca 3 drams USP

Citric acid 3 oz

Caffeine 1oz

Sugar 30 (it is unclear from the markings what quantity is required)

Water 2.5 gal

Lime juice 2 pints 1 qrt

Vanilla 1oz

Caramel 1.5oz or more to colour

7X flavour (use 2oz of flavour to 5 gals syrup):

Alcohol 8oz

Orange oil 20 drops

Lemon oil 30 drops

Nutmeg oil 10 drops

Coriander 5 drops

Neroli 10 drops

Cinnamon 10 drops

That they are allowed to keep the ingredients secret is a disgrace. KFC NEXT!

Boycott this crap. It funds Zionist ‘israyhell’

Jim Corr – doing what he feels is right – speaking the truth as he sees it

It really is easy pickings to show the BBC throwing out garbage dressed as journalism.

Simply read a page on its website.

Consequently, it’s really quite boring to keep referring to it, but sometimes I cannot just let it pass unchallenged. While going through it’s swin(dl)e flu nonsense (e.g. computer models of what to do in possible said pandemic cases)

tip: use this image if you want one to illustrate garbage in garbage out.
Do not use google image to look for gigo
unless you like pictures of men is strange shaped underpants.

I spotted a link to Jim Cor and conspiracy, or HIS conspiracy as it said twice in the very short article. Being the BBC it’s gonna try and paint him as a nut-job or anti-Semite (or double jeopardy: both!). As it turns out the BBC(hite) tries to make it look as if these opinions are his and his alone, which of course they are not. It continues…

“Mr Corr said he took an interest in what he calls “geo-politics” – source

Oh, so now “geo-politics” is a term, his term, that’s specific to Corr. The BBC really have no shame. And if the BBC ever use that term are they going to put it quotes along with the overtones of eye-rolling ridicule.

Here’s Jim on RTE’s ‘The Late Late Show’

P.S. When I lived in Ireland as a youngster I used to watch the show. Gay Byrne (Gaybo as he was affectionately known) used to present it then. But looking back I think that program plus the influence of British culture upon the Irish youth who migrated in droves to the UK in search of jobs when Ireland’s economy was said to be terrible (my, how history repeats – but this time it’s got loads and loads of lovely debt to service too!) was a pivotal point for Ireland as it began to destroy the restraints the Catholic church placed on society. Now, it seems to me,  Ireland is pretty much a polythene version of the neighbouring nightmare neighbour the UK. Shame.

Anyway, reading the “article” I began thinking (re-thinking is more accurate) that it seems (I may be wrong) that people who have time for one conspiracy seem more prone to embrace the other quite well known conspiracies as a package.

The BBC showed this (as of course was their intention) mentioning HAARP / Earthquake causing technology and man made viruses (H1N1) something I actually agree with. And they do it as a way to ‘rubbish’ such conspiracies. The extremes of this are UFO’s. Which hardens my opinion that these fringe conspiracies are disinformation/diversion.

By way of deception thou shalt wage war. A motto المسيح الدجّال‎ would be proud of.


Hadil – a voice of Egypt report #2

7 Feb 2011

Dear Friends,

Yesterday I went to Tahrir square with my whole family, Mom, dad and my two younger sisters.
As we approached the square we watched thousands marching towards the square, many of whom carried bags with food for protesters.We got down and marched with them till we reached a long queue of people who were getting inspected by regular youth before entering the square, to make sure  no weapons or any harmful material. The military was there as well and checked our ID’s.
That day in Tahrir we numbered to at least 2 Million. Just observing the scene there seemed as if everyone had an unspoken determination to resist Mubarak’s” divide and conquer” strategy.
Sunday was announced as the day of “martyrs” in commemoration of all the protesters who fell since the start of the revolution.
We witnessed the Sunday Coptic Mass and the Muslim Prayer, with both Father and Sheikh sending prayers of blessings for the people’s uprising, and people marching and chanting with the Cross and the Qur’an.
Women and girls were hand in hand with men and boys who volunteered to clean up the square and run the field hospital.
Perhaps one of the most telling scenes was the marriage ceremony ( niqah) in the middle of the square between two people who allegedly met during the protests. The whole crowd joined in prayers for them. When the new bride spoke she said: “This square has turned into my home and all of you became my family, I will not find a people more precious than all of you to share my marriage happiness with than you”.
I never felt safer in a crowd of 2 Million people in my life than yesterday.Sexual harrassment turned sadly into a reality that accompanied any public gathering in Egypt. This is the same Egypt where today I could stand alone in the middle of a crowd with men passing behind and in front of me without having the slightest fear and not even a single gaze or inappropriate remark.
A young man who accidentally was pushed slightly against my sister turned around  and was extremely apologetic. When a group of us young women stood together ,young men gradually started forming a chain around us to protect us, as the masses of people increased.
Abdel-Halim Kandil, a famous political activist and coordinator of the Kefaya political pro-democracy movement, spoke to the crowds yesterday about the process of change, and that as we demand the change of the system we must change as well.
This change is already happening….
As I’m writing you this update, one of the Satellite TV channels is now posting the picture one by one of each martyrer who were killed in cold blood by the regime of Mubarak,most of them 16 and 17 year old, the youngest being killed is a 10 year old boy with two bullets in his body.Rest in piece my brothers and sisters…
P.S: Please feel free to share my updates with my name to your contacts and on your blogs. Many thanks to  your messages of support and solidarity and apologies for not being able to respond to each of them yet.

Hadil – a voice of Egypt report #1

I have an Egyptian friend who went back there a few days ago to join her countrymen in trying to get rid of that Zionist lapdancer (my expression, not hers) Hosni Mubarak. She’s sending reports from there and says feel free to share them, so I will. May The All Mighty help them to shrug off this tyrranical regime. My thoughts are with her and the rest of the Egyptian people.

Today (Ed: approx Fri 4 Feb) I flew back to Cairo to join family and friends in this historic uprising againts Mubarak’s despotic regime. A few of us on the plane found ourselves in tears just laying our eyes on Cairo as its lights appeared from the sky.

Many of my friends have been camping in Tahrir square all night, while others have been arrested and beaten and humilated.

Yet the determination and strength of everyone is like an earthquake that shook Mubarak’s system.

On my way from the airport I passed by at least 10 security checks, including neighborhood watches from ordinary people who sat up all night ,set up fire to warm themselves in the cold and arming themselves with whatever weapons they could find againt thugs and secret riot police who try to terrorize and intimidate people.

I stayed up all night chatting with friends who have been going regularly to tahrir square, sharing stories upon which we cracked up laughing and stories whch made us shed tears.Two of them had just been released from secret police who caught them bringing much needed medical aid and cotton to injured protestors at the square.These were a group of 16-19 year old teenagers, yet this didnt stop the police from terrorizing and assaulting them.

Muhamad Haeikal one of the prominent Egyptian thinkers summarized the whole situation in one beautifull sentence ” the ugliest of what is in Egypt tried brutally to kill what is most noble in it”.
It was eye opening to all of us, especially the pro-democracy opposition activist like us, that while the world, then UN, the various Human development reports, were telling us how uneducated, poor, corrupt, violent and racist we are, it was amazing to see a humane, noble, conscious and aware people that is humbling to say at least. It is incredible to see how when our ruthless dictators loose their ground, a nobility and love for one own’s country emerges.

A picture in the front page on one of the newspaper here was showing a picture of an army solider who was shedding tears beacuse he could not protect the proestors from the violent thugs. The picture is showing one of the protestors whiping away his tears.

Coptic Christians formed human chains around Muslims protecting them while they are performing their friday prayers.

The stories of heroism are incredible, this is the first time in our history we witness riot police being inspected by neighbourhood watch people.
A doctor was sharing, on the funny side, how an old man with more than 30 bones broken still insisted on coming to the square every day! He was begging the man not to return so he can give medical aid to others.

In the middle of all of this, Egyptians did not loose their sense of humor, people chanting and dancing in the millions ” Mubarak went crazy’ as the tanks stand behind them and try to terrorize them.
There were the stories of Azhar scholars and students joining the protestors in their cloaks , even though the only slogans they knew were from the times of resistance to the british colonial rule, people embraced them laughingly and warmly while carrying them on thier shoulders and chanting.

I will head to the Tahrir square in an hour. Please do share the updates with your contacts and media.



Darling Dave lets his hate rip – in disguise

Darling Dave lets his hate rip.

“Multiculturalism has failed” because the British prime minister, past cocaine snorter, David Cameron hath spoken.

Herr Merkel of Germany said something similar a few months ago too, which sparked a slightly more logicalflaw-spotting-type-reply from me than this more angry one.

Have C&M undertaken painstaking sociological research over the years, interviewing hundreds of different people from a diverse set of cultural and religious backgrounds, studying and pondering over the sea of factors involved in mixed societies, experiencing life amongst highly diverse people’s proud of their culture, customs and faith? Have they met with sociologists the world over and read reports detailing (or even summarising) an accurate global consensus?


Of course not.

They’re just talking utter bollocks – the rule rather than the exception.

One may argue, reasonably, that one doesn’t have to be a recognised expert in a field to know something about it, or hold accurate knowledge about it, so can we give this grace to cokey Cameron and herr Merkel?

Once more, No..

Why? Because these Pepe le Pew’s don’t define what being ‘British’ or ‘German’ means, although one suspects it could well allude to something like the following:

  • Getting drunk, pissing and vomiting on the streets and somewhere along the way trying to screw some poor girl – the one that just finished brushing your vomit of her clothes five minutes ago – the same girl that for some reason doesn’t fall for your mating ritual involving putting a traffic cone on your head.
  • Not washing your ass or urinary parts after you go to the toilet.
  • Binning your unborn baby because it will make you look fat or slow down your career. Cokey Dave’s reference to liberalism don’t you know.
  • Feeling some pride at military parades in amongst them lurk some psychopaths that have done to humans what you could never have imagined in your worst nightmares.
  • Voting without shame for proven liars and mass murderers in a parliament that has participated in some of the greatest killing sprees in the history of man.
  • Believing that there is something ‘good’ or ‘special’ about being British because of repeated propaganda telling you so.
  • Not being able to speak out / stop people having sex in public in something called ‘Dogging’
  • Have some saggy hag bagpuss think she has some claim over you thinking you are her subject.

<i><b>Tip:</b> don’t be a tit and send in a list of the failings of others, thanks.</i>

So why is the rolled-up-bullseye-one so ambiguous about it? Because it’s not multiculturalism that he’s attacking, it’s Islam. The little plop doesn’t even try and think of a new disguise for his attack, or have the balls to be honest about his xenophobia.

I am a British citizen and I’m pretty certain I don’t conform to what jumped up little jerk like Cameron tries to pimp what being British is, which remember, he doesn’t define it, so I can only guess, but whatever the little pratt’s idea is about what being British must entail, it has absolutely no right to have any power over me.

I’ve come to the conclusion that nationalism is a farce – nay, worse than that, it’s a ploy along the lines of divide and rule. Stuff your phoney idea of nations and marketing spin as to what any national identity must involve. Stick the union jack where the sun don’t shine Dave. Now that’s real liberalism Dave, not your phoney dictate-as-liberalism.

Not only am I a (an ashamedly) British citizen, but I’m a Muslim too. I reject the UK’s perverse laws that consistently fail to be upheld against the biggest criminals in the society. I spy with my little eye false-flags that killed probably 56 people in London on 7-7. I know well your Imperialist history and neo-imperial contemporary history. I know your lies about Iraq, Iran, the Palestinians and Israyhell ad nauseaum. Your ‘hero’ Churchill used chemical weapons on Arab villiagers and firebombed cities of families in Germany.

I want Shariah law. As a British citizen I, and every other British citizen who wants it, have a perfect right to want it and have it. Under it, hopefully you and the thoroughly rotten establishment you preside over will get your just rewards for your monumental crimes. All the other Muslims, white, brown, black or whatever living in Britain have the right to demand that too, and pursue it, and when we become a majority voice in the country you and your EDL/BBD fan clubs should shut-up about it. Liberal Democracy you see Dave ;) But of course what you mean by liberal democracy isn’t liberal democracy, which like being British, you avoid defining.

Until that day, the Muslims of the UK will follow the way of life God prescribed for them but will likely respect the way the UK is administered, however they by no means should stand quiet in the face of evil as witnessed by your foreign crusades.

There is not the slightest bit scared about Britain’s past that must be preserved. It’s past sucks and it’s bulk is akin to an encyclopaedia of war. Britain’s with a Muslim mindset at it’s helm offers real and better direction. {Tip: Avoid a second chance for titdom status by pointing the shambles of Islamic (so called) ‘leadership’ overseas as representative of what I’m saying here}

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Here’s a rip from the Brit govt’s propaganda bureau.

5 February 2011 Last updated at 06:54 GMT 

State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

David Cameron
Mr Cameron will signal a tougher stance on groups
promoting Islamist extremism
Related Stories

The prime minister will criticise “state multiculturalism” in his first speech on radicalisation and the causes of terrorism since being elected.

Addressing a security conference in Germany, David Cameron will argue the UK needs a stronger national identity to prevent people turning to extremism.

Different cultures are encouraged to live apart, and objectionable views met with “passive tolerance”, he will say.

He will also signal a tougher stance on groups promoting Islamist extremism.

You see? it’s bloody obvious that Druggy Dave’s attack is about Islam, not multiculturalism. After just a few measly sentence length paragraphs, ISLAM becomes the focus. No mention of Orthodox Jews who retain their Kosher foods, clothing, ways, and close community [not that there should be]. No mention about Hindu’s whose caste system is still practices even among Christian Indians because Dave and Merkels issue is with Islam, period!

Mr Cameron is to suggest there will be greater scrutiny of some Muslim groups that get public money but do little to tackle extremism.

Reality is of course much different from what this little fart is going to drool out. You’d be hard pressed to positively identify much Muslims-within-britain-extremism at all – p.s. government crystal ball show trials on what people thought or might have done in the future don’t count. ! Neither will I cout the extremism that lurks on the halls of Westminster palace and the darkened glass buildings of the City. No group has any obligation to tackle what the GOVERNMENT defines as extremism (does anyone really believe the governmnet will be unbiased in this??), which I believe is classified as anything resembling resistance to the UK government penchant for killing, something permeating the armed forces and the dirty cops marauding in the streets of Britain.

Ministers should refuse to share platforms or engage with such groups, which should be denied access to public funds and barred from spreading their message in universities and prisons, he will argue.

Cameron is going to encourage some establishment whore to declare at their own (guided) discretion, whose ‘message’ can be heard and whose can’t. It’s pretty clear to see that if any group speaks the hard truth but it isn’t to the Governments or Israyhells favour, then one expects an attempt to shut it up.

“Frankly, we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active, muscular liberalism,” the prime minister will say.


“Let’s properly judge these organisations: Do they believe in universal human rights – including for women and people of other faiths? Do they believe in equality of all before the law? Do they believe in democracy and the right of people to elect their own government? Do they encourage integration or separatism?


“These are the sorts of questions we need to ask. Fail these tests and the presumption should be not to engage with organisations,” he will add.


“Start Quote

We have even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values”

End Quote David Cameron

But Muslim youth group The Ramadhan Foundation said that, by singling out Muslims, Mr Cameron had fed “hysteria and paranoia”.

Well, Cameron and all the British establishment have been working on that for years. Muslim groups to try and get into the game to change the game are deluded. Well intentioned perhaps, but deluded.

Chief executive Mohammed Shafiq said: “British Muslims abhor terrorism and extremism and we have worked hard to eradicate this evil from our country.

Yes the do, and as it’s the British government that are the oxygen, heat AND fuel for terrorism most muslims of sound mind abhor the British governments actions and those of Israyhell. That’s why Cameron is stirring the crap here.

“But to suggest that we do not sign up to the values of tolerance, respect and freedom is deeply offensive and incorrect.

Indeed and in fact it’s Cameron that’s frothing out lack of tolerance. QED!

“Multiculturalism is about understanding each others faiths and cultures whilst being proud of our British citizenship.”

Personally I feel there is almost nothing to proud of in the slightest, but as I said to a respected friend the other day, the UK actually allows some aspects of Islam that Islamic countries will not – and that is (soon to become WAS) freedom of speech. That I guess is something one can be proud of in Blighty.

BBC political correspondent Ben Wright said the prime minister would be delivering a stark message to his audience in Munich – that European countries must “wake up to what’s happening within their borders”.

The British establishment has already attempted to form a non-uniformed brown shirt brigade reporting anything “suspicious” e.g. A Muslim talking on the phone or overhearing a word of Arabic or having olive skin.

Mr Cameron will draw a clear distinction between Islam the religion and what he describes as “Islamist extremism” – a political ideology he says attracts people who feel “rootless” within their own countries.

Will he bollocks! It won’t happen as Islam is his target. What he will do, is try and paint it so that it doesn’t look like it’s Islam that he’s after.

“We need to be clear: Islamist extremism and Islam are not the same thing.”

What about British extremism, the extremism you preside over you dog!

The government is currently reviewing its policy to prevent violent extremism, known as Prevent, which is a key part of its wider counter-terrorism strategy.

Do you mean we will try harder to set up gullible people and keep the same disgusting foreign policy? Yes. I suspect you do.

‘I am a Londoner too’

What’s that a reference to Cameron? The false flag of 7/7 perhaps? The greatest act of terrorism in recent history? A gross act of treason against the British people? You scum! But say for a moment you are right and that 7/7 was an act of terrorism by 4 Muslims. How should we  weigh it against the 1.3 million killed in Iraq and the families you keep killing in Afghanistan today? Anyway, typical southerner, the world revolves around London.

A genuinely liberal country “believes in certain values and actively promotes them,” Mr Cameron will say.

Crap. Anyone can say your hollow words.

“Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Democracy. The rule of law. Equal rights, regardless of race, sex or sexuality.

Oh come on now Dave. You really have no shame. Who taught you that chutzpa? Tzipi Livni over the phone after you told her you would act to stop the law from prosecuting her terrorism that killed over 400 children terrorists

“It says to its citizens: This is what defines us as a society. To belong here is to believe these things.

Definition that you dare not try define. You fraud.

“Each of us in our own countries must be unambiguous and hard-nosed about this defence of our liberty.”

I’m going to be sick. And I know there will be thousands if not millions of people who will lap up your words. Maybe the EDL will have an honourary doctorate for you.

He will say that under the “doctrine of state multiculturalism”, different cultures have been encouraged to live separate lives.

People of the same culture, mother tongue and religion want to stick together. Get used to it. It’s their right and some, perhaps even a lot take up that right. They are still human beings. Not your slaves.

“We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong. We have even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values.”

I think I’ve hit upon just a few reasons earlier as to why that might be.

Building a stronger sense of national and local identity holds “the key to achieving true cohesion” by allowing people to say “I am a Muslim, I am a Hindu, I am a Christian, but I am a Londoner… too”, he will say.

Listen up you worm, you ain’t no Muslim, but you are a terrorist Dave and a supporter of terrorism. That’s right Davey boy, you, not me. but of course, you know that, but don’t give a toss do ya Dave.

Dave fails to mention anything about Brits abroad who stick in their own fish and chip serving ghettos and fail to learn the local language and merge into the ways of the locals.

I reject your spiteful xenophobia. Dave you obnoxious creep, crawl back beneath your rock!

Shitegeist 3

It doesn’t surprise me that came to this.

Some of the comments are fantastic.

Viva Palestina – break the siege:

Viva Palestina - break the siege

This blog supports victims of western aggression

This blog supports victims of western aggression

BooK: The Hand of Iblis. Dr Omar Zaid M.D.

Book: The Hand of Iblis
An Anatomy of Evil
The Hidden Hand of the New World Order
Summary Observations and History

Data on Fukushima Plant – (NHK news)

Fukushima Radiation Data

J7 truth campaign:

July 7th Truth Campaign - RELEASE THE EVIDENCE!

Recommended book: 3rd edition of Terror on the Tube – Behind the Veil of 7-7, An Investigation by Nick Kollerstrom:

J7 (truth) Inquest blog

July 7th Truth Campaign - INQUEST BLOG
Top rate analysis of the Inquest/Hoax

Arrest Blair (the filthy killer)

This human filth needs to be put on trial and hung!


JUST - International Movement for a Just World


Information Clearing House - Actual News and global analysis

John Pilger:

John Pilger, Journalist and author

Media Lens

My perception of Media Lens: Watching the corrupt corporate media, documenting and analysing how it bends our minds. Their book, 'Newspeak' is a gem.

Abandon the paper $cam:

Honest and inflation proof currency @ The Gold Dinar
February 2011