Archive for the 'Zionist fetish' Category

Israyhell again and their little satanic ways.

The ever excellent Ryan Dawson ( :

Norman (who talks a lot of sense but still supports an Israyhelli state in Palestine):

The hordes of Zion once again unleash their blitzkrieg against the 1.5 million imprisoned, impoverished and malnourished Palestinians.This God hating, Talmud loving, Zionist filthbags who seem to relish murdering ‘sub-human’ Palestinians for sport deserve nothing else but to rot in hell, and surely they will.

Their plan has already been exposed.

They want their Talmudic Messiah to come. For that purpose they need to build a temple for him. That Temple will be on Al-Aqsa mosque. No Muslim in the nearby area would ever tolerate Al-Aqsa’s destruction hence the legions of Zion are expelling the non-‘Jews’ from Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine inc. the West Bank. They merely bomb the easy target captives in Gaza so that while peoples eyes are on Gaza, they plan for and grab more land in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

They are perilously close to their final mission. But the hordes of Zion will be resisted ALL of the way. They believe killing someone puts them out of the equation oblivious to the lager number of people who decide to take a stance against Zionism after that. The endless resistance to their evil ways will afford them absolutely no excuses on the day or reckoning.  But this they will never see or understand.

May they be defeated sooner rather than later.

The Jewish Cartel, Not QE3

With regards to this short video: I always have reservations when the term “Jews” are used, for the same reason why, being a Muslim, I don’t like it when I hear statements saying “Muslims…. blah blah blah“. The terms are being used far too generally.

The sweeping term “Jews” doesn’t separate out Jews who are NOT part of the Zionist project, like Naturei Karta and others. Jewish Bankers is fine as it’s specific, and that particular subsection is part of and.or contribute strongly towards the rotten Zionist system.

Using the far to general term “Jews” actually encourages anti-Semitism which is wrong. Anti-Zionism – a doctrine most Jews subscribe to in various flavours and anti-Israyhell are a valid political stances of opposition to take.

All that needed to be said, and now that it is, I recommend this video contains much that is well worth the 5 minutes and 43 seconds it takes to watch the video.

The Jewish Cartel, Not QE3

Withdrawl – closer than ever before

At what point should one withdraw from a decaying world? Islamically, when society appears on the point of collapse or beyond rescue, one is advised to detach/flee from that society .

I have fulfilled some of my responsibility by speaking out against what I believe are (some of) the GREAT EVILS of this world. I had the aim that of showing this to others and encouraging them to do so similarly against this grand tyranny.

But lets take a reality check here: The sheeple are NOT waking up (in anywhere near enough quantities). The masses are going along with the slide into despotism, and I suspect they are doing so with various levels of deliberate decision making.

Those who can and have seen the evil core of society spreading and infecting just about anything it can are massively ineffectual (yes, including me).

I think it may be time to stop shouting and time to withdraw. I must have spent years of my life reading and researching. Sadly I have almost nothing to show from it, other than an inner satisfaction that I have not succumbed to that evils and its withering touch (or so I believe!). I think a lot of my use of ‘life force’ has not been fruitful.

I am increasingly of the mindset that its just about time to ‘call time’, and begin to prepare seriously for the collapse, but I suspect any such preparation other than relocation to the isolated countryside to live a detached simple life, relatively free of technology, would be doomed.

That is surely what should occupy my time now.

Islam and monotheism has all but gone, and some miserable deceptive imitation has been hoisted up in its place. I simply can’t see any way to bring back the kind of God fearing (fear of the unquestionably justice that we will one day have to account for) and God loving based society that we need and offers salvation.

I’m not a Christian in the commonly understood sense of the word, but there is something in the concept of humans; may I call it: perpetual sin, which does indeed show the need for man to have an absolver and guiding ‘father’ figure.

I think it’s time to be a bit more “selfish” and prepare.

Question is…. am I able to?

If 9/11 was a false flag opration, why hasn’t anyone squealed?

For some, that question is enough to stop them believing anything other than the official conspiracy theory or ‘official narrative’ as others may phrase it.

But lets be frank, it is a thoroughly stupid stance to take.

1) That someone involved in one of the most significant world shaking event would, having initially been a willing participant, simply MUST admit to the fact later. This ‘opening’ condition alone, is likely to result in the majority of participants having a very strong reason to keep it secret.

2) Given the likely real suspects behind 9/11 and the dirty things they get up to, it is more than reasonable to believe any potential squealer would face execution with a similar threat facing their families.

3) Imagine some false-flag (FF) has occurred and a squealer came forth 7 years alter. From the time the event happened up until the ‘confession’ the false flag was still a false-flag. It does not magically become a FF simply when someone admits to it.

4) Even if a confession does come forth, the following powerful filters need to be successfully penetrated; The ‘confession’ needs
a) mass exposure
b) mass communication (not necessarily the same as a)
c) mass acceptance.
These filters even when overcome still don’t guarantee people will abandon the adopted mental barrier heading this post.

5) Not all FF’s will have a whistle-blower. To believe that to date, the FF’s and black-ops that have been exposed are the only FF / black-ops that have ever occurred and that no deadly secret has ever been taken to the grave  is simply the philosophical stance of cretin.

The weight of ALL evidence towards official forces being involved in 9-11 is simply overwhelming relative to the ‘official conspiracy story’, and in my opinion is is well beyond all reasonable doubt.

Why should justice and punitive action NOT be taken just because of the idiots who adopt such pathetic stances as “If 9/11 was a false flag operation, why hasn’t anyone squealed?” The only answer to that is surely this: Because in reality, possibly deep in their conscious, they prefer and benefit from the consequences that followed the FF rather than the consequences of having true justice be served and all ramifications from that.

What a world, huh!

Suggested reading:  “Conspiracy Theorists & Cognitive Dissonance” by


I read this: “Armageddon Ahoy! The Next False Flag?” (which you too should read to fully understand this post) on The Truthseeker‘s website.

It’s finally prompted me to post this (there have been a number of draughts spurred from various ‘The Truthseeker’ posts over the years)

Rixon. I wish you would stop constantly talking up the Iranian “threat”. You’ve been doing it for years, never seeming to lack energy to warning us of imminent war that’s going to occur which uncomfortably for you, keeps defying your warnings.

With regards to Iran and secretive stuff: So little of what you say contains what most people would constitute as strong proof. You give me thr impression you’re a fan of game theory; Are you?

This latest article of yours – which has the same theme of presenting Iran as the ‘big bad’ – is so full of holes that it would make a Swiss cheese blush. For instance, don’t you think it’s kind of peculiar that the Iranians have no clairvoyant that tells them US intelligence knows about your smuggled dirty bombs?

I would say it is very irresponsible of you to keep banging on about the “threat” Iran poses, especially at a time when hundreds of thousands of Iranian people are in the cross-hairs of the Coalition of the Killing.

To quote:

Ayatollah Khamenei: “the production, possession, use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is illegitimate, futile, harmful, dangerous and prohibited as a great sin.”

and then completely ignore it saying

Nonetheless, they are being kept as weapons of last resort. The Americans know this, and now they are preparing to exploit it in a truly diabolical double-cross.

Is simply ridiculous on many fronts, as have many of your articles on ‘big bad Iran’.

Just one stumbling block along your esoteric revelations is that If Iran had these weapons and would use them ‘as weapons of last resort’ why the hell would the US and shitsrayhell attack them?

What exactly is your game?

In general you do a good job at making people think but stop pimping for a war against Iran will you.


Think about this:

Two men are floating on a shared log raft in the middle of the ocean.
One constantly plays a drum.
The other asks him “why do you keep playing that drum?”
“To keep away the lions”
“But there are no lions here”
“Exactly” said the man, continuing to drum.



The BBC newz (newz, ‘cos it certainty ain’t news) and current department really turns my stomach. Medialens [1, 2, 3] amongst others has consistently uncovered the filth (my words, not their) that gets passed off as journalism, and not only that, but insanely the worlds best journalism – so they would have us believe]. Far from the pinnacle of journalism, it’s the pinnacle of propaganda and downright lies.

Here’s an article stolen from: (thanks to ICH for publicising it]

BBC Rides with Al Qaeda in Aleppo, Syria

BBC Covers Up War Crimes – Misleads Over Syrian Security Operations.
by Tony CartalucciUpdate: Indeed BBC did not see “MIGs” bombing Aleppo, though it appears they weren’t even anti-tank SU-25’s but rather training aircraft. Aero L-39 Albatros are also not even “Russian-made” as the BBC claimed. The article below has been amended to reflect this information. Read here for more

July 25, 2012 – When big lies must be told, BBC is there. From Iraq to Afghanistan to Libya and now Syria, BBC has paved the way for Western disinformation meant to mange public perception around a war the public would otherwise never support or tolerate.

The BBC, caught on record producing entire “documentaries” on behalf of corporate-financier interests, has already been caught in immense lies regarding the NATO-fueled destabilization of Syria. This includes the disingenuous use of photos from Iraq, to depict a so-called “massacre” in the village of Houla, Syria.

Now, as NATO’s Al Qaeda mercenaries operating under the banner of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” flow over the Turkish-Syrian border in an attempt to overrun the city of Aleppo, BBC is there, attempting to manipulate the public’s perception as the conflict unfolds.

BBC’s Ian Pannell admits he rode with a convoy of milatnt fighters into Aleppo at night. He claims many are desperate for the FSA to succeed, “clamoring for freedom denied by their president,” but concedes many others fear an “Islamic takeover” and sectarian “division and bloodshed.” The latter of course, is self-evident, while the former is the repeated, unfounded mantra of the Western media used to cover up the latter.

Pannell poses amongst staged settings, claiming a single burning tire equates to a barricade set up by the militants (see more on the use of burning tires as propaganda here and here). He concedes that militants are taking to the rooftops with sniper rifles in the districts they claim they control – begging one to wonder where else terrorist snipers have been, and how many “sniper” deaths have been mistakenly blamed on the government.

Covering Up FSA War Crimes

Pannell then attempts to cover up serious war crimes committed by the FSA militants he is traveling with, claiming that men the FSA arbitrarily rounded up while “seeking revenge” were “suspected Shabiha,” harking back to Libya’s NATO-backed terrorist death squads rounding up and killing Libya’s black communities in orgies of sectarian genocide – which outlets like the BBC defended as simply rebels targeting “suspected African mercenaries.” Pannell papers over what he just reported with the unqualified claim that there is “little justice” on either side. What became of the FSA’s victims is not revealed.

Image: From BBC’s Ian Pannell – young men “suspected” of being “Shabiha” are rounded up as the FSA “seeks revenge.” BBC fails categorically to explain how NATO-backed terrorists can “liberate” a city that is admittedly pro-government – but it appears it will be done through terrorism, brutality, mass murder, and intimidation. 


BBC reporter Ian Pannell’s failure to report on the war crimes he admitted witnessing, smacks of endorsement and complicity – an attempt to preserve the romanticism the West has desperately tried to associate with their FSA death squads. Pannell’s report also confirms earlier descriptions of widespread atrocities committed by the so-called “Free Syrian Army.”

In Libya, when the government of Muammar Qaddafi collapsed, and as Libyan terrorists overran the last of the nation’s security forces, entire cities of Libya’s blacks were overrun, their populations either mass-murdered, imprisoned, or forced to flee to refugee camps. These are people who had lived in Libya for generations. A similar fate awaits Syrians should NATO prevail.

BBC Confirms Syrian Army Use of Heavy Weapons ARE Proportional to FSA Threats

Pannell’s propaganda in Aleppo continues, where he admits FSA militants possess tanks they allegedly “captured” from the Syrian military, but then, showing video of what is either an anti-tank SU-25 aircraft or an Aero L-39 Albatros training jet, rolling in with machine guns, claims it marks a “dramatic escalation” and a sign of “desperation.”

Image: From BBC’s Ian Pannell -FSA tanks are positioned in or around Aleppo, according to BBC. The myth that NATO-backed militants are “lightly armed” is unraveling as they attempt to take on large cities flush with cameras and media from both sides. Eager propagandists attempting to portray victories have more than once shown “captured tanks” in the hands of militants. Heavy militant weapons beget heavy government weapons. 


In reality the Syrian army is using force directly proportional to the threats NATO-backed militants have presented. Tanks and heavy weapons mounted on trucks, also featured in the BBC report, are legitimate targets for government heavy weapons. The precision an SU-25 lends the battlefield versus heavy artillery bombardments when neutralizing FSA heavy weapons is the only conceivable way to minimize civilian casualties.

Images: (Top) From BBC’s Ian Pannell – BBC and other Western media outlets have claimed “MIGs” are bombing Aleppo’s civilian populations. This all based on a single “tweet” made by BBC’s Ian Pannell. Pannell now reports this video depicts what he saw – which in reality is either an anti-tank SU-25 or Aero L-39 deploying machine guns, not bombs, versus what Pannell already admits are FSA heavy weapons, not civilian populations. (Bottom) Several orthographic views of the SU-25 and Aero L-39 for comparison. 


And as the Western media is so found of reminding its viewers, Aleppo is decidedly pro-government, and pro-President Bashar al-Assad. Therefore to indiscriminately use disproportionate force serves no purpose for the Syrian government, who has gone through extraordinary lengths and placed its soldiers at great risk to minimize damage to the city and its inhabitants – a city and population that serves both an important role economically and culturally for all Syrian people.

Remember Fallujah, Iraq

A government is put in a difficult position when armed gangs enter a city “seeking revenge” as BBC’s Ian Pannell puts it, when these gangs have trucks mounted with heavy weapons as well as tanks in their possession. For the West, to berate the Syrian government and portray its security operations as unmitigated “brutality” is disingenuous at best, especially considering the militants are there solely because of years of financial, military, and political support from the US, Israel, and the Gulf State despots.

File:US Navy 041108-M-8205V-006 An air strike is called in on a suspected insurgent hideout at the edge of Fallujah, Iraq by U.S. Marines assigned K Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, during the openin.jpg

Image: Western hypocrisy – Fallujah, Iraq in 2004 was bombarded by artillery and airstrikes for weeks leading up to the final invasion. When over 10,000 troops entered the city, they were accompanied by tanks, and supported by heavy artillery and airstrikes. When the West is subjugating others, heavy weapons seems acceptable – but not when another nation attempts to defend itself from admittedly Western-backed terrorists. 


The West might want to also revisit the lessons it learned from flattening the Iraqi city of Fallujhah, twice. The US bombarded the city for weeks prior to its final invasion in 2004, where over 10,000 troops entered with heavy artillery and air support. Apparently it is acceptable for the West to subjugate others using such tactics, but nations are prohibited from using similar tactics to defend themselves. The Syrian uprising was a foreign-plot stretching back as far as 2007, foreign militants admittedly flowing over the border from across the Arab World, admittedly armed and funded by the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

The Battle of Fullujah is considered a notch in the belt of Western military prowess, while the West condemns Syria’s attempts to defend one of its most important cities from foreign-subversion and destruction. While NATO believes it can still win the geopolitical battle it is waging against the Syrian people, it has already long lost the battle for moral superiority.

Trickle down economics

I remember the slimy BBZ doing a business report from India. That a poor man was able to set/have his own bus driving business was used to show what a great success the Indian economic model was. I remember my reaction to this story was one of puzzlement at how exactly this could be regardd as a success story because I think (I can’t remember exactly now as it was some time ago) the bus-driver had to work a huge number of hours per day, hence spent a long time away from his family, in order to service his loan. Frankly, it looked like the man was in a bit of a precarious position. If he was indeed working so long I didn’t see much chance of him being able to take on extra work and pay off his loan more quickly.

But it was classical BBZ, selectively choosing and talking up something that agrees with the agenda it serves – a capitalist dominated ‘usury is great‘ type outlook.

Anyway, the BBZ reporter hailed the bus-drivers case as a good example of the success of the ‘trickle down’ economy, which again I found to be a rather odd thing to say, people at the very end of the (fake)money pile only getting a trickle is good. Strangely enough, the program didn’t show any victims of the Bhopal disaster (or see the toxipedia website) mass death and even more mass injury thanks to those nice people at Dow Chemicals.

Neither did it show the huge quantities of Indian farmers who were dispossessed of THEIR ancient and ancestral pastoral lands as well as those who were forced to use Monsanto terminator seeds, all of which have lead to the thousands of farmers committing suicide over the years. Oh no! The BBC didn’t show any of this (again as far as I can recall).

Anyway, what triggered this rantlet was that I had just looked ay Xymorphia’s website and found this rather more accurate truism: “Trickles Down? No, Streams Offshore!“. That’s the full picture which the horrible BBZ newz and current affairs division just happens to conveniently forget to inform you of.

Operation Turkeywoods?

It’s early days yet, but this “missing” Turkish fighter – which CNN says has gone missing near Syria [Which pretty much covers a lot a lot Turkey itself!] and which the BBC has decided is the most important news story in the whole world right now, being it the top headlie,  are we witnessing an(artificial) “attack” on NATO and hence the (non)excuse for NATO attacks against Syria?

Update: 24th June 2012. h___ttp:// What can I say? Operation Turkeywoodspialidocious!

Update: 25th June 2012.

Aaah, it’s a plane now, as in, full of passengers… right…

Later on in the say (25th June 2012):

Turkey says. And the despicable BBC doesn’t challenge it.

Tuesday 26th June 2012: BBC propaganda B.S. altert…

Tom Secker 7/7 london bombings SCADS 2nd Conf – March 2012

See 19:39 timeline

“There’s a pattern here, and I think It’s highly likely that all three of these men: Martin [Abdullah] McDaid,  Mohammed Qayum Khan [a.k.a. Mohammed Quayyum Khan, a.k.a. ‘Q’], Mohammed Junaid Babar [4 years in prison] were all working for the security services- either British or American “

Why not the so called “Israeli” intelligence services Tom?

p.s. the youtube page with Tom’s performance had this horrible coincidence on the side menu.

Gold at 42 cents an ounce

I’m a gold bug. I’ve bought it as a means of trying to give my measly savings some security against the obviously totally bogus totally manipulated paper money crap.

Gold had been rising steadily in (manipulated)price in the medium terms for about 10 years. So many ‘alternative’ websites were going on about gold going to $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, enve $5,000, etc an ounce.

Well where are those voices now? Gold reached it’s peak at about #1,900 and ounce now it’s about $1,570. It’s lost about 18% of it’s value. Where are those voices? Those crystal ballers who magically “knew” what price gold would go to.

Where are those voices? Why are they not crying at the fact that gold has lost 18% from it’s high. If it were a sham bank, the ‘alternative’ webosphere would be mocking the said fraudulent institution with glee, preparing the champagne for when the collapse went past the point of criticality.

Come on you Mistic Meg’ers (mistake meg!) when gold went up to $17,00… $1,800 you were going “I told you so”, well you didn’t see this 18% loss did ya?

I’ve been getting a tad tired of the ‘alternative’ webosphere on occasions, and often wonder if it’s not part of a game of ‘bipolarisation’. And the ‘crystal balling’ about gold prices is especially tiresome.

Well I’m tired now, so I’ll call it a day.

P.s. I’m not the slightest bit worried about the gold price, cos I’m only interested in the LONG TERM and savings. If you speculate on gold, well, you just as bas as those crap heads wheeling and dealing in derivatives. Gold at 42 cents an ounce does NOT worry me at all. I have total confidence that gold offers THE greatest safety net for savings protection. If gold really did go to 42 cents  an ounce, I’m fairly certain the fictional money we use today would experiencing far grater problems, e.g. there may only be 5,000,000p in circulation!

P.p.s. I know the value of gold hasn’t really increased or decreased, rahter the fictional value of the dollar has been manipulated relative to  gold. The upward trend of $ against ounce of gold was fully legitimate due to money being debt and the cranking up of the money presses in ‘quantitative easing’ exercises. That “gold has lost value” seems to me to be re-calibrrating or just simple  manipulative suppression. The long term future of gold is absolutly assured. So do yourself a favour don’t give a crap about the “price of gold”. Either going up or down. When you want to protect you earnings, buy gold. Do also with the sincere intention of spending it.

Viva Palestina – break the siege:

Viva Palestina - break the siege

This blog supports victims of western aggression

This blog supports victims of western aggression

BooK: The Hand of Iblis. Dr Omar Zaid M.D.

Book: The Hand of Iblis
An Anatomy of Evil
The Hidden Hand of the New World Order
Summary Observations and History

Data on Fukushima Plant – (NHK news)

Fukushima Radiation Data

J7 truth campaign:

July 7th Truth Campaign - RELEASE THE EVIDENCE!

Recommended book: 3rd edition of Terror on the Tube – Behind the Veil of 7-7, An Investigation by Nick Kollerstrom:

J7 (truth) Inquest blog

July 7th Truth Campaign - INQUEST BLOG
Top rate analysis of the Inquest/Hoax

Arrest Blair (the filthy killer)

This human filth needs to be put on trial and hung!


JUST - International Movement for a Just World


Information Clearing House - Actual News and global analysis

John Pilger:

John Pilger, Journalist and author

Media Lens

My perception of Media Lens: Watching the corrupt corporate media, documenting and analysing how it bends our minds. Their book, 'Newspeak' is a gem.

Abandon the paper $cam:

Honest and inflation proof currency @ The Gold Dinar
May 2024