Archive for the 'injustice' Category

Israyhell again and their little satanic ways.

The ever excellent Ryan Dawson ( :

Norman (who talks a lot of sense but still supports an Israyhelli state in Palestine):

The hordes of Zion once again unleash their blitzkrieg against the 1.5 million imprisoned, impoverished and malnourished Palestinians.This God hating, Talmud loving, Zionist filthbags who seem to relish murdering ‘sub-human’ Palestinians for sport deserve nothing else but to rot in hell, and surely they will.

Their plan has already been exposed.

They want their Talmudic Messiah to come. For that purpose they need to build a temple for him. That Temple will be on Al-Aqsa mosque. No Muslim in the nearby area would ever tolerate Al-Aqsa’s destruction hence the legions of Zion are expelling the non-‘Jews’ from Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine inc. the West Bank. They merely bomb the easy target captives in Gaza so that while peoples eyes are on Gaza, they plan for and grab more land in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

They are perilously close to their final mission. But the hordes of Zion will be resisted ALL of the way. They believe killing someone puts them out of the equation oblivious to the lager number of people who decide to take a stance against Zionism after that. The endless resistance to their evil ways will afford them absolutely no excuses on the day or reckoning.  But this they will never see or understand.

May they be defeated sooner rather than later.

Withdrawl – closer than ever before

At what point should one withdraw from a decaying world? Islamically, when society appears on the point of collapse or beyond rescue, one is advised to detach/flee from that society .

I have fulfilled some of my responsibility by speaking out against what I believe are (some of) the GREAT EVILS of this world. I had the aim that of showing this to others and encouraging them to do so similarly against this grand tyranny.

But lets take a reality check here: The sheeple are NOT waking up (in anywhere near enough quantities). The masses are going along with the slide into despotism, and I suspect they are doing so with various levels of deliberate decision making.

Those who can and have seen the evil core of society spreading and infecting just about anything it can are massively ineffectual (yes, including me).

I think it may be time to stop shouting and time to withdraw. I must have spent years of my life reading and researching. Sadly I have almost nothing to show from it, other than an inner satisfaction that I have not succumbed to that evils and its withering touch (or so I believe!). I think a lot of my use of ‘life force’ has not been fruitful.

I am increasingly of the mindset that its just about time to ‘call time’, and begin to prepare seriously for the collapse, but I suspect any such preparation other than relocation to the isolated countryside to live a detached simple life, relatively free of technology, would be doomed.

That is surely what should occupy my time now.

Islam and monotheism has all but gone, and some miserable deceptive imitation has been hoisted up in its place. I simply can’t see any way to bring back the kind of God fearing (fear of the unquestionably justice that we will one day have to account for) and God loving based society that we need and offers salvation.

I’m not a Christian in the commonly understood sense of the word, but there is something in the concept of humans; may I call it: perpetual sin, which does indeed show the need for man to have an absolver and guiding ‘father’ figure.

I think it’s time to be a bit more “selfish” and prepare.

Question is…. am I able to?

Julian Assange & the Likely Attack on Ecuador’s London Embassy: America’s Vassal Acts Decisively and Illegally

Due to a general request by Craig Murray, I repost his article

America’s Vassal Acts Decisively and Illegally

by craig on August 16, 2012 11:30 am in Uncategorized



I returned to the UK today to be astonished by private confirmation from within the FCO that the UK government has indeed decided – after immense pressure from the Obama administration – to enter the Ecuadorean Embassy and seize Julian Assange.

This will be, beyond any argument, a blatant breach of the Vienna Convention of 1961, to which the UK is one of the original parties and which encodes the centuries – arguably millennia – of practice which have enabled diplomatic relations to function. The Vienna Convention is the most subscribed single international treaty in the world.

The provisions of the Vienna Convention on the status of diplomatic premises are expressed in deliberately absolute terms. There is no modification or qualification elsewhere in the treaty.

Article 22

1.The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter
them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.
2.The receiving State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises
of the mission against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the
mission or impairment of its dignity.
3.The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property thereon and the means of
transport of the mission shall be immune from search, requisition, attachment or execution.

Not even the Chinese government tried to enter the US Embassy to arrest the Chinese dissident Chen Guangchen. Even during the decades of the Cold War, defectors or dissidents were never seized from each other’s embassies. Murder in Samarkand relates in detail my attempts in the British Embassy to help Uzbek dissidents. This terrible breach of international law will result in British Embassies being subject to raids and harassment worldwide.

The government’s calculation is that, unlike Ecuador, Britain is a strong enough power to deter such intrusions. This is yet another symptom of the “might is right” principle in international relations, in the era of the neo-conservative abandonment of the idea of the rule of international law.

The British Government bases its argument on domestic British legislation. But the domestic legislation of a country cannot counter its obligations in international law, unless it chooses to withdraw from them. If the government does not wish to follow the obligations imposed on it by the Vienna Convention, it has the right to resile from it – which would leave British diplomats with no protection worldwide.

I hope to have more information soon on the threats used by the US administration. William Hague had been supporting the move against the concerted advice of his own officials; Ken Clarke has been opposing the move against the advice of his. I gather the decision to act has been taken in Number 10.

There appears to have been no input of any kind from the Liberal Democrats. That opens a wider question – there appears to be no “liberal” impact now in any question of coalition policy. It is amazing how government salaries and privileges and ministerial limousines are worth far more than any belief to these people. I cannot now conceive how I was a member of that party for over thirty years, deluded into a genuine belief that they had principles.

If 9/11 was a false flag opration, why hasn’t anyone squealed?

For some, that question is enough to stop them believing anything other than the official conspiracy theory or ‘official narrative’ as others may phrase it.

But lets be frank, it is a thoroughly stupid stance to take.

1) That someone involved in one of the most significant world shaking event would, having initially been a willing participant, simply MUST admit to the fact later. This ‘opening’ condition alone, is likely to result in the majority of participants having a very strong reason to keep it secret.

2) Given the likely real suspects behind 9/11 and the dirty things they get up to, it is more than reasonable to believe any potential squealer would face execution with a similar threat facing their families.

3) Imagine some false-flag (FF) has occurred and a squealer came forth 7 years alter. From the time the event happened up until the ‘confession’ the false flag was still a false-flag. It does not magically become a FF simply when someone admits to it.

4) Even if a confession does come forth, the following powerful filters need to be successfully penetrated; The ‘confession’ needs
a) mass exposure
b) mass communication (not necessarily the same as a)
c) mass acceptance.
These filters even when overcome still don’t guarantee people will abandon the adopted mental barrier heading this post.

5) Not all FF’s will have a whistle-blower. To believe that to date, the FF’s and black-ops that have been exposed are the only FF / black-ops that have ever occurred and that no deadly secret has ever been taken to the grave  is simply the philosophical stance of cretin.

The weight of ALL evidence towards official forces being involved in 9-11 is simply overwhelming relative to the ‘official conspiracy story’, and in my opinion is is well beyond all reasonable doubt.

Why should justice and punitive action NOT be taken just because of the idiots who adopt such pathetic stances as “If 9/11 was a false flag operation, why hasn’t anyone squealed?” The only answer to that is surely this: Because in reality, possibly deep in their conscious, they prefer and benefit from the consequences that followed the FF rather than the consequences of having true justice be served and all ramifications from that.

What a world, huh!

Suggested reading:  “Conspiracy Theorists & Cognitive Dissonance” by

Anthony Lawson, man of truth a standard bearer against Zionism

Anthony Lawson, man of truth a standard bearer against Zionism.


Tony 2012

Do it for the children.


BBZ Newz on the year 1811

I hate the BBZ (British Broadcasting Zionism), more well-known by its nom de plume: the BBC).

Actually, to be accurate, it’s the News and Current Affairs section I hate. In fact, i’d go so far as to say most of those who write this quazi-news propaganda and determine its output are scum.

But you may already know that.

What I want to point out today is, the BBC publishes a story about newspaper articles from 1811 which have gone online. It had the potential to have been a real interesting piece of news and commentary. Alas, the BBZ has BBC-ified it. That said, the property of the subject matter manages to prevent it from suffering total “death by BBC”.

In its coverage, there are numerous comparisons between 1811 and 2011, aspects such as, astronomy, work related strife, museums, Navy funding, even user of ‘eye catching’ tabloidic headlines (now widely exploited by the BBZ), but one glaring omission on the subjct of war.

The omission? Well, breaking with the consistent comparisons of 1811 and 2011 across multiple topics, there is no comparison or mention of David Camerons 2011 wars and those of 1811.

2011 sees war against the people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and the looming war against Iran. Why is there no comparison made here?

Lets list the wars the UK was involved in during this period. As the ZBC says, there wars were

UK against France (Napolenic war)

UK against Portugal (Iberian Peninsular War)

There are many more wars that the British are pursuing during this time. Not to mention build-up to one of the ‘biggies’ in 1812 when American colonialists revolted thanks to the oppressive British.

Let me propose the reason why no comparison is made.

i) To avoid a reminder that Cameron is in fact another warring Prime Minister

ii) To avoid connection Britain and Cameron to Imperialism (and ongoing Imperialism).

iii) To avoid mention of British Imperialism is pretty much taboo these days.

iv) To try and preserve the glorified history of the British military’s Imperial past and present (but not mention it by name).

Here, the BBC is certainly top heavy in glorifying war, showing HMS Hermes smashing into a French ship and mentioning tributes and a poem about some idiot officer who probably had virtually no legitimate reason to be fighting, shedding the blood of others and ultimately his own blood, causing misery and hardship for his family, all for the benefit of wealthy and secure filthy elite, who regularly send such fools to fight for even greater benefit.

The comparison with 2011 army dupes and those of 1811 is also avoided. They share a similarity in shared stupidity devoid of human spirit, morality and ethics  – off to kill some dark skinned people somewhere – and get a kick out of doing it [link to British army torture/beatings/killings].

Readers might point out to the space given to an officer in Portugal writing of the horror befalling civilians in war, but it stinks of an attempt to blame hunger in isolation and not because of the war the British were involved in.

On war in this story, there no commentary attributing blame or even questioning of engaging in these wars past (by omitting wars present of course there will be no comment!) i.e. whether war should take place – was Britain attacked etc, and no comment from the BBZ as to whether what was published in 1811 was filtered and used for shaping society or in fact, just blatant  propaganda. No space is given to revealing any subversive comments that may have made it into the 1811 newspapers or if there were none, then why were one printed.

The BBZ once again sanitizes war, talking about it as though it were an abstract thing. But it is not. War is caused by human antics, greed and folly. It also seems to cherry picked particles which as at risk of repeating myself, fail to challenge the orthodoxy of 1811 or even, of today! A brief mentioning a few pre-Luddites and todays Occupy Movement simply isn’t good enough.

Once again the BBC throws out it’s pixie dust and falls in its duty to challenge acceptance of the most dire things imaginable, e.g. war.

What a lamentable thing the BBC Newz and Current Affairs dept is.

Are you a MF’er?

i.e. did you invest in MF Global?

If you did, then to me, you deserve to have lost your money. In my eyes it’s not much different from investing in Goldman Sachs, or getting financially involved with the IMF.

Watch this.
FBI Probes Trading Firm MF Global’s Sudden Collapse

“MF Global invested in the Debt of Italy Spain Portugal and Ireland. leveraged by 40:1”

So here we have a leech company living off the debt difficulties of others.

And guess what, Gereld Celente, that ‘Knight of the little people”, had investments in this company. So Gerald, your lovely man of the people’s image – rather like your rather questionable investment – has crumbled.


I don’t give a monkey’s if you say Farmers invest in futures. That sounds like spin to me. Don’t try and put yourself in with Farmers. Somehow, just somehow, I doubt it’s the same kind of futures your investment with MF Global involved.

Gerald was/is a MF’er

Gerald admits his loss:
Gerald Celente: Don’t be next in line to get M-Effed – MF Global.

[KR213] Keiser Report – ‘First Call’ For The Big, Blonde Hair & Shiny Teeth

Futures are gambling and phony usurious economics.

Like all gamblers, they smile when their gambling pays off, but weep when it fails.

Shame on you.

He lie weasel

(updates at end of article)

May 20th 2009:

There is some guy who goes by the name Elie Wiesel. He displays a number of common Zionist traits.

The guy in the pics claims to be him. [huh? Claims? Read here]

He lie weasel

I read an abridged version of “Night” written by one Elie Wiesel. I wonder how Weasel would answer this question: “To what extent did Hollywood play in inspiring your book”. Am I being too cynical? Perhaps not. Or maybe there really was a clairvoyant woman on the train who did see “the fires” which Wiesel described later. Maybe James Bond 2-second-left-ticking-time-bombs really do happen like when Wiesel was in a que marching towards a fiery pit, and just before it was his turn to walk into it, for some reason the camp officials decided they’d had enough burning of people for that particular day. Lucky or what? Me? If I saw that I was being walked to my certain death I’d take my chances and run away or if my legs were chained, I’d lead-jellify my body to get a few more seconds of life while they had to drag me to the pit and hopefully take pity on me. But that is too ordinary – no Hollywood appeal there, nobody would be as bothered about that.

Wiesel’s own account makes little sense as he later describes a long period of slave labor in the camps to support the German war effort. But the fiery pit reveals an illogical event given that Wiesel reports no discrimination in its use to purge the weak and sick (i.e. unproductive slaves) from the strong and healthy (who would make the best manual-labour slaves). Wiesel’s account actually supports the notion the camps were not a ‘final solution’ but were primarily forced labour camps, which, if a despised Jew were to die there, it would not matter in the slightest to the horrendous people administering the place. But Wiesel, despite describing a labour camp where people perished in the atrocious conditions, avoids calling it so.

The camps are said to be the final solution – a plan that I’ve yet to see any evidence of whereby Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews. But oops, what about Hitters Jewish Soldiers? Quote: “perhaps as many as 150000 men”[1] in his own forces, not forgetting Colonels and Generals? E.g. Colonel Walter H. Hollaender of the Wehrmacht, General Helmut Wilberg of the Luftwaffe. Hitler must have missed those ones and no body amongst the “Actung: Juden” hoardes told him. Anyway, were these Jewish soldiers expected to kill themselves after enslaving and persecuting many other Jews? – after all, there was a final solution to carry out! wasn’t there? And it’s hard to figure out just how Hitler thought he could kill all Jews when there were Jews in North and South America – a region of which he had no control over yet housed a number of Jews. That, like the absence of ‘final solution’ documents (which I suppose may be out there), has not been properly debated upon.

But who cares about logic and consistency?

Equally astounding was Wiesels reportage close to the end of the war, when they had to leave the camp. They were forced to run and run and run and run and run and run and run to another camp in the freezing cold. Quite how Wiesel and others managed this, something that would eclipse the finest of Olympians, given that in the camp there were fed rubbish to keep them going (hummm again not much of a final solution there) is a mystery of the modern world. I recall myself, a healthy athletic boy could hardly run 800m without needing to puke afterwards. Perhaps I should have ate that magic slop Wiesel ate. I can see the adverts now “New, isotonic slop – helps you run for miles”

The earlier yarn relating to a loner from his village, who for some reason went away, miraculously escaped a massacre in which he described little Jewish girls (loner dude asked them if they were Jewish you see, just before they were killed) being thrown into the air and machine gunned by Nazis. Mr loner somehow got out of it and recount his tale to the boy Wiesel.

Wiesel said he lost his faith, yet true to Zionist form calls upon elements of Hebrew faith when convenient to do so. Reciting prayers. Wiesel has accused God of looking on as Jews died. He has attacked indifference to peoples suffering, yet the little oink-oink supports the Shoah of the Palestinians, torture against them and the theft of their rightful land, property and resources. Yes Weasel is dirt-zero. He also was involved in the Maddof ponzi scheme.

Weisel said this:

“Auschwitz cannot be explained nor can it be visualized…. The Holocaust transcends history…. The dead are in possession of a secret that we, the living, are neither worthy of nor capable of recovering…. The Holocaust [is] the ultimate event, the ultimate mystery, never to be comprehended or transmitted.” [2]

Call me suspicious but isn’t incomprehension (and inconsistencies) come attached with lies?

But anger inducing all that is about Weasel, it’s not the reason why I decided to do this post. This comes close:

“In 1948 Wiesel worked as a journalist for the Irgun, a gang of Jewish terrorists who committed the massacre at Deir Yassin, arguably one of the most pivotal events in twentieth century Palestinian history. Yet this “world-renowned humanitarian” refuses to apologize or even acknowledge the murder, mayhem, and ethnic cleansing caused by his employer. He frequently goes to Yad Vashem, the most famous Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem and from the Children’s Museum he looks across the valley to Deir Yassin. But he never acknowledges what his employer did there…” [3]

It’s because of this:

“In the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, Wiesel, in his priestly capacity, made a lightning visit to the White House on February 27, 2003. The Holocaust Fundamentalists were pushing for a needless, immoral and illegal war.” [4]


[1] Hitlers Jewish Soldiers

Full video:

Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, Part-1of6 8m05s
Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, Part-2of6 9m49s
Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, Part-3of6 10m20s
Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, Part-4of6 10m12s
Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, Part-5of6 8m57s
Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers, Part-6of6 10m05s

(Elie Wiesel, “Trivializing the Holocaust,” New York Times, 16 April 1978.)

[3] ibid.

[4] Holocaust High Priest has Blood on His Hands by Prof. David O’Connell
Hosted at:

Excerpt: “Despite the unpopularity of the Iraq War, the sixth anniversary of the unilateral initiation of that conflict by President Bush came and went without any reference in the Zionist media to the role played by Elie Wiesel, our Holocaust High Priest, in helping to launch that conflict.”

See also:

Iraq: A War For Israel   By Mark Weber – GOOD FACTUAL READING

“51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis” By Lenni Brenner. and here
Here on ISBN(10) = 1569802351

Update: Just read this on CounterPunch:
Elie Wiesel’s Strange Parade
Madman or Commissar?
MICKEY Z’s site:


Update: 25th Oct 2011. Brother Nathanal on Wiesel.

Elie Wiesel & the Holocaust Fraud Pt 1 of 2

Elie Wiesel & The Holocaust Fraud Pt 2


Update: 22 Nov 2011. Thanks to The Truthseeker.

Grüner False Identity Lawsuit Against Elie Wiesel Set For January 24 in Budapest

Palestine: The Missing Narrative. Paolo Barnard

Italian Middle East correspondent Paolo Barnard explains the crucial missing narrative on the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli occupation state.”The fate of the Palestinian people was sealed 40 years before the Holocaust…”.History, facts, quotes, to understand the real story behind today’s tragic events.

Source: Re-Uploaded from Paolo Barnard’s Channel on Youtube.

lwtc247 comments:
Excellent Fact based Video.
Terra nullius (a land of nobody) originates from the horrific man made Talmud that doesn’t classify non-Jews as humans. Therefore, according to that thinking, then Palestine was of course empty, the racism inherent by Zionists is a consequence of that. Thankfully many Jews (but mostly only the non-empowered ones) distance themselves from the filthy aspects of that library, even though many Jews do hold varying degrees of Zionism.
Paolo forgets to mention the strong Christian Zionist movement in the 19th Century. See: said Balfour said nothing about the Palestinians. That is incorrect. The Balfour declaration contains:
“…it being clearly understoon taht nothing shall be done to prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine…”
Clearly giving some words of reassurance to the Palestinians (which Rev. Stephen says were knowingly insincere). I like the way Paolo exposes the British plots to get the Paletinan farmers to sell to the Jews and revealing that public land and water, salt and electricity awareded to the Jews almost exclusively to the Jews.He does say about the time of WWII, “The Jews in 1939 rightly flock to Palestine” – I disagree that it was right that they should have done this. The move to the United States was the right move, which many of them made.I strongly suspect the British didn’t just find themselves one day on the wrong foot. My suspicions are that the British leaving was part of the plan. The constant empowerment by the British of the Jewish Zionists via military training, allocation of resources and of course the British establishments ties to Zionism itself  suggest – at least to me they do – that the Brits deliberately made this situation to provide them with an excuse to leave. The utter inaction towards Zionist terrorist acts, in which British people were killed and assassinated and the willingness of the UK to allow the singing of Zionist lies that Israyhell was created due to the Jewish holocaust.

I am very happy he says “The Arabs missed an opportunity for peace with the UN partiotion plan in ’47… that is a LIE” and he goes on to show haw the UN tried to sell the Palestinans a sack of sewage.
Also good was the mention of the Jordanian betrayal of the Palestinians. Read this excellent book.
Gaza: Dec 2008 Jan 2009 Cast Lead also shown to have been a planned event.
“Deception is the dominant theme. Why? Well it’s very simple… To manipulate Israeli public opinion into backing one of the most injust realtiies in the modern world – the continued ethnic cleansing and occupation of Palestine and to the same thig with western public opinion, that must continue to back this unjust reality the occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine…
…The Zionist project had always wanted to ethnically cleanse Palestine and to use any means to do this.”
Thank you Paolo.
One more thing… The ‘ovulation’ of Israyhell, which Paolo and Stephen(surprisingly) misses out on when the Christian Church opened the floodgates to Usury, buy way of John Calvin and so forth.

Viva Palestina – break the siege:

Viva Palestina - break the siege

This blog supports victims of western aggression

This blog supports victims of western aggression

BooK: The Hand of Iblis. Dr Omar Zaid M.D.

Book: The Hand of Iblis
An Anatomy of Evil
The Hidden Hand of the New World Order
Summary Observations and History

Data on Fukushima Plant – (NHK news)

Fukushima Radiation Data

J7 truth campaign:

July 7th Truth Campaign - RELEASE THE EVIDENCE!

Recommended book: 3rd edition of Terror on the Tube – Behind the Veil of 7-7, An Investigation by Nick Kollerstrom:

J7 (truth) Inquest blog

July 7th Truth Campaign - INQUEST BLOG
Top rate analysis of the Inquest/Hoax

Arrest Blair (the filthy killer)

This human filth needs to be put on trial and hung!


JUST - International Movement for a Just World


Information Clearing House - Actual News and global analysis

John Pilger:

John Pilger, Journalist and author

Media Lens

My perception of Media Lens: Watching the corrupt corporate media, documenting and analysing how it bends our minds. Their book, 'Newspeak' is a gem.

Abandon the paper $cam:

Honest and inflation proof currency @ The Gold Dinar
May 2024