Posts Tagged 'dangers of vaccines'

Vaccine Orgy

I used to think vaccines were a good thing. That was until I actually learned something about them.

Here’s a short video:

Vaccines REALLY Safe? – Mary Tocco  2m 55s

In a conversation with a family member about vaccines, a lady said she vaccinated her son to prevent measles. Guess what? He got measles. I told her the vaccine didn’t work. She said if he hadn’t have had the vaccine his measles would have been worse. I asked her how did she know that? I got no logical reply.

The issue of vaccines is dominated on public percieved wisdom, which is actually: wholesale ignorance. Cheerleading ‘things vaccine’  are the public who mentally convince themselves they are ‘sicnece liberated’ and will, for a few reasons, repeat what ‘sounds scientific’. The second set are those who gain financially from the idea and infrastructure of vaccines, either by earning a salary as say a cleaner in a lab that deals with vaccines, or via royalties which doubltessly claimed by many so called ‘experts’ in the field of virology.

If the claims about vaccines were true, then I wouldn’t have any problem with the above. However the mind-warping rubbish spouted out about vaccines and the obvious conflict of interest by vaccine advocates, as well as the FACT that the field of vaccine research is parallel with that biowarfare, all comes to mean that I have a VERY BIG PROBLEM with ‘things vaccine’.

On the one hand vaccines appear successful: Polio and Smallpox to name but two, however it is rather intellectually fraudulent to only look at the apparent successes and not the dangers or possible dangers? But let’s leave aside a few issues for now, e.g. the biowarfare element.

We have been pumping vaccines into our bodies for decades yet the new viri (the awkward sounding but correct plural of virus)  viruses (OED does not recognise viri) seem to be breaking out with greater frequency.


Sanitation and general nutrition as generally improved globally has it not? (at this point we’ll leave out food pollutants like aspartame, MSG and E-numbers). Allow me to stick with that debateable claim.

I can think of a few reason why:

1) The nucleic acids and proteins of all these accumulated vaccines in our bodies produce unstudied effects within our bodies which are detrimental to our health.

2) The additives e.g. stabilizers such as thiomersal (a compound containing mercury) exert a toxic effect. In fact I think about a year ago I read a US medical report calling for zero mercury levels to exist in human biological applications (can’t remember the specifics, sorry)

3) Vaccines themselves, by the very way they are produced COULD THEMSELVES mutate in ways similar to the viri viruses the vaccines are supposed to nullify).

Here’s some stuff from the BBC Newz website:


Two different techniques are being used.

First, “reverse genetics”, where scientists take the H and the N surface proteins from the H1N1 virus and mix them with a laboratory virus known as PR8.

This creates a harmless hybrid virus which can be used for the vaccine.

The second technique involves injecting both the H1N1 and PR8 viruses into eggs and allowing the hybrid strain to be created through a natural re-assortment of their genes.

The vaccine will work by tricking the immune system into thinking it has been infected with the H1N1 swine flu virus so that it creates antibodies against it.

Is this seemingly greater occurance of scary viri viruses (again I’ll have to leave out another important element: Govt fear mongering, burying of significant events and junk journalism) connected with the numbers of vaccines we are taking? – source


The hype and presstituting of selling Tamiflu and masks over the last few weeks have been a disgrace. No doubt about it.

The danger is that from all this JUNK – FEAR – OVER-INFLATION of the dangers etc, that should a real pandemic occuer then like the boy who cried wolf, the outcome could be serious. We should we wary in the light of suspected pandemic. 

I think the makers of Tamiflu should only have their costs met from the Tamiflu sales. The rest into an investigation into their research on these viri viruses.

Michel Chossudovsky, in his article here, says:

The Real Global Crisis is marked by poverty, economic collapse, ethnic strife, death and destruction, the derogation of civil rights and  the demise of State social programs. The EU announcement of the swine flu pandemic inevitably serves to weaken the social protest movement which has spread across Europe. – source:

He’s got a very strong point. But the-scum-that-be (tstb) who rule over us positively LOVE these events. Remember Rahm Emannuel the other day? It gives these scumsuckers enhanced dictaroial powers as well as the opportunity to make themselves look good and all ‘leadership’ like. YUCK! It so insincere. so fake. Just like the crap the BBC feveroushly pumped out ove the last week or so.

Henry Makow Ph.D. says:

When we hear about pig flu, let’s keep our focus on the big picture. We are infected by a more serious and widespread cancer, satanism, under the guises of communism, liberalism, socialism, zionism, fascism, feminism and globalism. Luciferianism permeates society in the form of materialism, naturalism, occultism, obscenity, sadism, violence, pornography and promiscuity. – source:

Here then, is a hopeful remedy, some counter-propaganda videos to try and give you a more knowledgeable view:

Vaccination – The Hidden Truth
(Pay careful attention to the Romanian(?) female Doctor  Dr. Viera Scheibnew PhD – an Australian scientist and her presentaion on the effectiveness of vaccines, who uses articles from some of the the most prestidgeous peer reviewed medical journals around)

Mary Tocco. Are vacciens safe? 2:37:45

Vaccine Nation – Director’s Cut (Gary Null)   1:29:40


Why Vaccines Aren’t Safe (  44:48

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