Archive for the '“science”' Category

Praise be to the Luddites

The Luddittes were a group of people who, whether they fully knew it or not, were visionaries of the human consequences of mechanization. The Luddites are generally associated with the early 1800’s, in the middle of the industrial revolution, whereupon they destroyed factory based mechanized processes particularly those found in textile mills.  They probably did so for primarily selfish reasons – they didn’t want to be out of a job.

The industrial revolution was in essence the result of development in the understanding of science, in particular energy and the ability to exploitation that energy along with the discovery/realization of abundant, easily extracted energy sources – coal and oil.

But it is a great pity they failed. I feel this because I believe the mechanization/automation we have today has overall, lead to a much worse human society than would have been the case. I have no crystal ball, but I do know mechanization and automation have lead to a military capability that would be extremely difficult to equal or surpass otherwise.

As so the the modern age.

My workplace recently introduced a finger(print) scanner to ‘clock-in’. I am going to refuse to use it. Hence I’m a neoLuddite. I’m not sure what the consequences will be, and I am very sure my reasons will carry no weight whatsoever. But I am extremely tired of unthinking {that is simply meant as a statement of truth. In no way should be be taken as an insult, because it is certainly NOT said for the purposes of insulting} people just following the ‘flow’ of society which I am sure WILL only have negative consequences to later generations. History shows mankind – does it not? – that if there is ‘something’ that can be used to gain an advantage over people, then there are some who will seek to capture/acquire/possess/monopolize that ‘something’

That ‘something’ is electronic data.

And don’t even for a second dare parrot out the “If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear”. That’s exactly the kind of unthinking regurgitation-without-thought of someone else’s incorrect and hollow catchphrase which annoys me so much. Personally speaking, whether I have something to hide or not, I simply don’t want anything of my life to be available for others to view – other than what I want them to see, and I don’t want ANY information about me to be viewable and manipulable by any other person. Sadly there is info about me already out there, but I don’t want to exacerbate the problem.

Besides, the human trait of ‘ dignity‘ alone dictates that privacy is essential to humans.

For some years now, I have been of the opinion that the more electronic data we have, the less privacy we will have and the more that data will be used by the evil powers that be – that means governments folks! The idiots in society believe the answer is greater cyber security, e.g. data encryption. I totally disagree. The NATURE of electronic information makes it inherently insecure. The answer to e-information theft and fraud is to have LESS of it, a Luddite concept if you will.

I am not going to have my fingerprint data stuck on some crappy machine that even a little kid could download, or for some spooky individuals to try and frame me with something should the desire take them. Neither do I want someone using that information to try and defraud me.

What brought all this on? The BBC/BBZ article about a part of Britain’s “intelligence” network sponsoring a prize for what it calls “Cyber Security”. The winner is quoted as saying

“We’re going into an age of cyberwarfare… it’s very important that there are experts out there that can keep people safe” – Jonathan Millican UK Cyber Security Champion

Source: (remove the three tilda’s in www)

Come on, that BS. GCHQ doesn’t give a rats arse about keeping people safe. Thy expect me to believe the very godless scum that keeps almost half the population on less than $10 a day and 1 billion people hungry each day are to be trusted to keep the people safe????? How utterly ridiculous. Well, maybe not that ridiculous – it actually does want to keep some people safe: the people safe who threaten the safety of most ordinary people on the planet. The kind of scum that gets a thrill out of killing innocent Afghan people while sponges off the people and one day may be the King of Britain.

I predict like the Luddites of old that I too will fail, but I’d rather resist and fail than to jellyfish out and fail.

Once upon a Swine Flu


In focus: WHO responds to current critical scrutiny
In a letter to BMJ editors dated 8 June 2010, the Director-General strongly refuted allegations of conflicts of interest leveled at WHO in a recent editorial and feature published in the medical journal. “At no time, not for one second, did commercial interests enter my decision-making”, said the Director-General.

WHO Director-General’s letter to BMJ editors
8 June 2010

The international response to the influenza pandemic: WHO responds to the critics
10 June 2010

Someone getting jumpy? Expect suicides… Not quite sure from which side though. Hope those at the BMJ are vaccinated against SADS.

Swine Flu

Spanish Flu



Novel H1N1

2009 H1N1

seems like the supposed virus itself isn’t the only thing liable to mutation.


BBC watch Dec 09

You became familiar with a surprizing name
You heard many a meaningless slogan
You saw a flawlessly polished and glinting smile
– or was it just glare from the teleprompter?

This is what you had waited for
Like last time, the time before and the time before that too
You had wondered down a path never trod
Frequent signs from your television reassured you,
Numbed any pain
But this, this was the path of the yellow brick road.
Like a 911 jumper, we faithed somebody somewhere assembled something, making worthy our trusting leap.

And like the 911 jumper, you accelerate – much more than you imagined

Don’t worry, It will come
The affordable operation, wholesome food, respect when travelling abroad
Reasonably priced college places, the chance to own your own home
A telling off not a Tazering, from those who serve and protect
Unsnooped calls plus e-mails and no gangs offering medication you really don’t want.

There WILL be a trampoline, perhaps stacked cardboard boxes
A bed of sytrofoam or may even be a hurredly inflated pool – it was on the telly, or at least catching arms below
You are tumbled and tossed in the high-up wind, which fades while approaching the ground
Sight of what’s on the ground cannot be fixed. It’s bearingless and too confusing for comprehension.
Whether you understand what finally happens simply isn’t known.

Obama is ratcheting up the war in Afghanistan. I am utterly convinced it will embrace Pakistan. And here’s what the first mention of Obama on the BBC internatonal news cover page.

Such prominence.

and here’s what you get when you click the indept analysis of the latest globally significant move…

So glad the BBC is living up to it’s charter to keep you informated about important global events, which you fund, oh, I forgot to mention,  now those massively over sized adverts pay for too, while your licence fee goes up and up and up.

Interstingly there are some global warming stories in the front page too! Here’s snapshot…

Spot it? a person in the UN (no climate qualification mentioned at this stage) suggests AGW is wrong.

But having the last word with a much larger title and bolder heading states definitively that man HAS changed the climate.

Ho ho as Wogan would put it! BBC Gold!

And once again, nothing about chemical pollution: fertilizers, pesticides, GM contamination, PCB’s dioxins, CO, SO2, pharmaceutical waste, solvent and oil leakage, nuclear chemical waste and nuclear radioactive pollution.

Well done BBC. Another exemplory dispalay of the greatness.



Return of the Mutants. Now that: nearly expired Tamiflu has sold in the millions, leaving in it’s wake truck loads of kids having nightmares and vomiting in its wake; Vaccine companies  set to make millions, backed by lawss reportedly set to give them the ultimate in irony, “immunity from prosecution”, with kids(again, what the hell do they have against kids?) and pregnant mothers(kids in development) set to be experiemented on, the hype cum shock-doctrine is in the process of expiring, {Even the BBC now admits “However, swine flu remains no more severe than seasonal flu.”} “we”, have a small problem…

People arn’t going to take the rubbish vaccines and have become more cynical of the crap our governments says. A government co-joined with large $ obse$$ed companie$. Moussilini called it fascism.

Unlike Tamiflu however, there is something that may sell rescue the scam… Swine Flu 2 – with more deadly mutations.

Lwtc247 has noticed an acceleration in the old ‘the virus may mutate into a more deadly form’ tale of fear over the last week. It may mutate, but if it does it makes ALL vaccines useless, which actually are already useless given that in the UK for example, most people will have already been exposed to it – AND SURVIVED!! also, history indicates mutations make it more benign.


Well I’ve done even more research (I am a conspiracy examiner don’t ya know) into vaccines and viruses and it makes my stomach turn all the more. There is a supposed 1972 WHO memo [ 1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No 2 Memordanda #1 and #2 technically outline the ability to create biological weapons in the form of vaccines that: 1) First totally disable the Immune System. 2) Load every cell of the Victim’s body up with Infection. 3) Switch the Immune System on causing the host to kill themselves in a Cytokine Storm]  sourceDOWNLOAD PDF REPORT HERE while it lasts {1972 WHO Bulletin, Vol 47, No 2, 211-217}  that mentions a 3 shot vaccine plan to use vaccines as bioweapons. This seems rather bizarre to me for the WHO to publish this document, but I certainly wont dismiss it because it has all the hallmarks of the dirty rotten godless global corparate fascist consumer mad usury based ball-and-chain.


Well, watch this show (which I think is great – what with no spiteful crap talker propping up the rotten global corporate cunsumer mad world foisted upon us.).

On The Edge Swine Flu Special c/o Disclose TV

 things to Note: Baxter accused of non-accidental contamination of avian flu vaccine. Implications they were going to inject the actual virus into people. Baxter are involved the the ‘fast track’ swine flu ‘vaccine’ called Celvapan. Some vacicnes will contain thimerosol (mercury) which even though not in it’s ultra toxic metallic form, I’ve yet to come across a compound of mercury that isn’t highly toxic. Good skepticism backed by researched knowledge who don’t talk about aliens or myan calendars are featured.

I’ll end with this. “If you don’t vaccinate your kids, they can’t come to school as they would pose a risk to the other kids.” – That arguement is sometime heard. I’m sure you’ve come across it. But it’s a STUPID thing to say as the other kids are supposed to be safe against the virus anyway – having been vaccinated. I am sure parents who decide NOT to vaccinate their kids due to knowledge of the lies the vaccine companies and utterly ignorant doctors (who get commission for administering vaccines) inability to discuss such issues, would respect the rihts of other parents not to vaccinate their kids and see how things work out. So that arguement is exposed for the load of crap it always was.

Further reference: Swine/avian flu,the story so far. 

Swin(DL)e flu. A Hoax 1 Nonesence 1

Yes, that crappy swine flu thing again. watch this…

Back to School With Swine Flu Fears

Partial transcript:

[21 s] Dr. Mitch Katz Director of ‘San Francicso Public Health’ said

“Because of that slight change of the virus, it turns out that a lot of us do not have any immunity to it. So what we saw last winter, was that actually older people who usually are the ones that have problems with the flu, stayed healthy. Younger people the more likely to get sick… That’s why were also going to be working with the school disterict on immunisation as soon as it’s avialable, probly in october, be provided frtee to children throughout the city, school age children will be the number one groups who will recieve the vaccine.”

Slight change in the virus??? Winter?????  No immunity to it??? – Well why are old people not getting sick then [his words]??? This virus was supposed to contain avian flu, swine flu and human flu. So we have no immunity to the human element of it then do we not? Says who? When did the virus mutate? Where are the records of the mutation? Who identified it and when? Who is to say you will be ‘touched’ by the old or the new supposedly mutated virus? The virus supposedly sprang up in Mexico city in April so why’s this guy talking about winter? Becasue he’s an idiot.

Update: Since applying just the simplest level of logic, in disputing the spreader of utter medical rubbish by Dr. Mitch Katz, I’ve come across this information at the CDC re H1N1 “cross-reactive antibody was detected in 6%–9% of those aged 18–64 years and in 33% of those aged >60 years.” – Source:, It seems to me, oh Dr. Katz, that you may be wrong. thing is, Katz is jusr one of many. Update ends.

I’m afraid to say, my estimation of {SOME} medical doctors once again sees them lying  in the dirt. I have heard so much sheer rubbish come from the mouths of ‘doctors’ on this subject in recent times.

The stats show it’s fatality is similar to ordinary flu. People with underlying health problems are mostly at risk. Healthy people will mostly be fine. Some people say it IS ordinary flu. I’m heading to that conclusion myself.

I FOR ONE REFUSE THE VACCINE. Why should anyone take it who has already had the flu? Already 100’s of 1000’s in the UK are reported [BBC] to have had it  My sisters young boy had the measles vaccine. Guess what… afterwards he got measles!

As for these utter idiots who say the virus may mutate… well then bozos, that means your so called vaccine will be even more ineffectual against it, won’t it? Screw your lying BS words. Screw your vaccine! History shows mutations on the whole lead to more benign viruses. If it seems like I’m angry, that’s ‘COS I AM!


Oh dear. There’s more like that:

Parents, Schools Make Plans for Swine Flu

 Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer???? Strewth! See what’s resulted from the massive levels of ignorance and fear. – The phooey swine flu ain’t goin’ anywhere with that anti-bacterial sanitizer baby!

And she [Cathy Cahn] already had the flu!!  Herself and her three kids! So the boy [Ryan] is almost certainly been exposed to it and it’s reasonable to suggest he could have some resistance to it.

Cathy says… “What happens if strains change” – OK I understand not everyone has a science background, or has the opportunity to read about ‘supposedly novel A H1N1’ but why are you looking at the doomsday scenario and letting it rest with that? If you wanna go ‘doomsday virus’ then run away into isolation in the countryside somewhere ‘cos your ‘mutated horror virus’ will probabl get ya in suburbia honey, not to mention the lack of food and water.

As I said history indicates strain mutation leads to a less harmful virus.

Thomas Farley the New York City health Commissioner said “Public education’s extremely important” but this guy is NOT ‘educating(TM)’  the public at all!

News voiceover says “He admits the virus could be worse this time around”… Well why doesn’t he ‘admit’ historically it’s likely to get better this time around. And the idiot had the nerve to go on about public education about A H1N1.

Vice Principle of St. Francis Prep School, Partick McLaughlin said:

We have never had a situation where that many students [were] sick at any one time” Well mate, the vast majority got better didn’t they? And if so many were sick, it indicates high infectivity and suggests many people could have had it already.

Then they scrub the school down. WHY? Don’t you know the longevity of the virus? About 6 hours or something right?. Just locking the school overnight and disposing securely of the discarded tissues etc would suffice.

More crap:

High level meeting on Swine Flu in India

Vaccine and scanners at airports. What rubbish. You can be infected without displaying fever. What about ports? What about vehicle border crossings? The Deadly Influenza” – Jee wizz. “18 swine flu cases across India…. Very clear and present threat looming over India


Here is somthing to help leave this SWINE FLU CRAP behind…

The universe:


Deeps Sea Creatures part 1

 The Strange Attractor:

Flying through clouds
( same visuals but with Enya)

SubhanAllah! Allah hu Akbar :)

I also find this song curiously appealing (this fractal vid has the F word removed from the song)






A Doctor Speaks – The Zionist corruption of Medicine, and the Science and Politics of Cancer


Long title I know, but necessary.

It comes from the blog of Dr. Maxtor please read it on his site. There’s even a brief talk by G. Edward Griffin (wiki), founder of the Cancer Cure Foundation, bout the Science and Poltics of Cancer (2005). Dr. M also gives you a link to download an e-book “Murder by Injection”

Cheers Dr. M

Commentary: A number of people in my lifetime (before scepticism of the official world around us became as large as it is today), have commented on the near total drug based nature of the western health system. Yes the body functions via chemical soup, but the overwhelming emphasis is on cure, NOT prevention. Why? It’s simple, and it’s what G. Edward Griffin identified: That far greater amounts of money are made from ‘cure’, not prevention. After all, who when healthy actually thinks much about their health?

 pushers of pharmacological dominance within western medicine

Do you remember watching some Hollywood production (e.g. cowboy movie) where some ‘quack’ was selling medicine from a bottle. Do you remember that person being ridiculed, portrayed as a drunk perhaps or a simple con man. Why is that I wonder? Is it because there probably were people selling rubbish as a cure?, or was it a deliberate attempt to take the opportunity to steer people away from taking independent medical treatments? When you look at who ‘owns Hollywood’ and the significant  players in the pharmaceutical industry, then you may think like me; that it was indeed a pot-shot at non-establishment medical pactitioning. Not convinced? May I remind you that they place sexual imagery in children’s cartoons, so why wouldn’t they do something more subtle and less serious?  Also these days, they prolifically employ a host of ‘subconscious’ advertisings in movies. In fact, calling a movie ‘an extended commercial’ is probably pretty close to the mark.


Critics of the medical establishment (such as anti-vaccine campaigners) have identified something rotten within the health/pharma system without ever talking about Zionism. Now that the suggestion has been made that Zionism has touched upon the medical profession for a LONG time now, (Read Dr. Maxtors blog) it comes as no surprise as to why it has a foul smell about it. If you understand what Zionism is, you understand why.


Zionism originated in Hebrew history, when man twisted theological teachings to gain earthly power for himself. It rooted itself in Judaism but branched out into Christianity and Islam, communism, secularism and even I would argue to a degree, in formal ‘liberalism’.


The essence of Zionism is SUPREMACY. The Talmud is said to contain a number of examples of this in which it can be put into practice. Many ways are horrific. All this from the false belief that God’s favouritism to the Hebrews at the time, meant they have carte blanche to do what they like, and that favour will never be revoked. How damn wrong. Damn damn wrong!


According to the perverted belief, Goym are there to be exploited, like animals. poisoned, cheated, lied to, killed and raped. For those who listen to the rotten Talmudic teachings (the writings of men, not God) which distorts and contorts the beautiful religion of Judaism, and a number of dear brother Jews know of these perversions and fiercely reject them.


So vaccines, pharmaceuticals, are merely an extension of usury (Riba) to exploit and reap the fruits the Goym produce. Natural compounds are trashed as there is little or no exploit potential inherent in them. And the system is rigged to disallow for the possibility of a non-profit making solution to health (or anything else for that matter!) to become established.


Supremacists who look at others as on par with animals feel no qualms about any deterioration in you heath from consuming their poison, in fact they probably get a kick out of it – especially if you glorify Jesus (Isa) or understand God through the teachings of Muhammad (saw). Both of prophets the Zionists intensely hate, because Jesus and Muhammad (saw) knew very well the corruption the monotheistic faith. Jesus and Muhammad(saw) both fiercely rejected Zionist traits.


Much of the food we eat today is rubbish. Some of the food I eat is rubbish – I know that!, but find it v. difficult to resist it. But internally, I am confident that healthy eating (inc clean water) and pollution avoidance is perhaps THE secret to health.


I think the Chinese have an excellent approach to health. Chinese medicine has grown over thousands of years. (many other cultures have lost their particular knowledge about natural treatments) I would say modernisation has corrupted Chinese medicine to a small degree, but I believe there is a strong basis pertaining to benefical medicinal practice with Chinese medicine.

Western concepts of medicine are far too commercialised.


Please watch ALL the parts of the talk by G. Edward Griffin. I’ve posted the URL’s to the videos in the comments section of Dr. Maxtors blog.



I will end now, wishing to address one more point: In a quotation by Samuel Epstein, M.D., Professor emeritus of Environmental Medicine, U. of Illinois in the documentary ‘The Corporation’ {about which I am currently editing a draughting – it reveals a disgraceful $cience ethic by Monsanto}, he said 50% of people get cancer in their lifetime. I want to point out a chemical deficiency in the body is only one potential source of cancer. Sadly the millions of tones of radio active fallout containing hazardous radio nuclear isotopes from nuclear weapons tests and nuclear accidents (actual accidents as well as deliberate discharges) I imagine (no stats, sorry boys) contributes very much to the cancer rates we see today in people and also from the effects of man made pollution. The protein enzyme that releases the cyano group from Amygdalin seem likely to me NOT to address these cancers. Maybe I’m wrong; I’m speaking from intuition.





Comfortable self-containment of the fearful mind

27th April 2012. Image and link removed upon owners request.

I mentioned earlier that lady who vaccinated her son against measles, who then went on to get measles.

Amongst our discussion, the issue of autism in children due to vaccination was raised. The lady in question said cases of autism appeared to jump, because we had become better at diagnosing it. She had no proof, and I think she was just repeating this line of ‘reasoning’ that she had heard from someone else – which everyone does to varying degrees. Whatever. The posibility she hit upon had been inflated into a fact by her, perhaps in a last ditch attempt to throw one more barrier infront of her own sense of reason, so she wouldn’t at the bare minimum have to acknowlege the autism could be related to vaccination.

But can you see how this is all playing out? Dangerous diseases increase because we diagnose them, NOT because various medical practices are rsponsible.

What of this swine flu? The picture that is emerging is that it isn’t a serious as we thay (deliberately) lead us to believe. Ireland and Italy now have cases of swine flu.

Let me make a statement at this point then: The cases of swine flu seem to be increasing because we are getting better at checking for and diagnosing it.

Why not?

The answer why I am wrong, is the same for swine flue as it was in the case of the lady above:

Autism isn’t a function of vaccines because there are ‘big bucks’ to play for.
Swine flu hasn’t always been with us and we are just better at diagnosing it. It’s a pandemic because there are ‘big bucks’ to play for.

Just like GM foods, banking, war and globalisation, politics.

Funny that.

Swine Flu Alert Clears Old Stock of Tamiflu

tamiflu-pic-from-www-naturalnews-com                                      tamiflu-pic-from-www-naturalnews-com

It is almost three years since we faced the hysteria of an avian flu epidemic, when governments bought billions of dollars of Tamiflu – the same anti-viral now being promoted to combat a supposed swine flu pandemic.  The shelf life of Tamiflu also happens to be three years.” source:
(via David Icke’s news headlines)

Well well well, WHO’d have thought. What a fortunate coincidence. And Tamiful doesn’t even work! Not that such minor details would stop corrupt governments with many fingers in many pies let that stop them. Astounding.

Imagine these lu$tful thoughts: Get a smaple of flu, mix it with birds or pigs for a while and isolate a new strain. Release the strian and sell Tamiflu as a treatment. Even better, as we will have known about the modified virus earlier, our vaccine is likely to be the best one when vaccines make it to the market   Ho ho!. Last one with a ferarri is a mug.


The thing is, it would be SO easy to do. What is forgotton in all this is of course that people die from the flu. But if there a bunch of Mexicans, Chinese, Vietnamese when who gives a stuff right? Even is some white skinned loser gets ‘stung’ so what? Yes? 

The people recently making insane claims about Tamiflu’s capabilities make me highly suspicious that in some way, a scheme like this was hatched.

For what it’s worth, lets recall what the FDA says about Tamiflu…

“Tamiflu’s safety and effectiveness have not been determined in people with chronic heart or lung disease, kidney failure, or in people with high-risk underlying medical conditions…

Tamiflu has not been shown to treat flu-like illnesses caused by any virus other than influenza A and B (e.g., stomach flu, common cold, or other respiratory illnesses not caused by influenza). “ – source FDA,


 Jay Gordon, MD, Pediatrician
Posted April 27, 2009 Tamiflu/Rumsfeld/H1N1 redux


Quiz: Read that excerpt from the FDA again. Then answer this simple question:

If Tamiflu has only been shown to treat flu-like illness from influenza A and B, and people are taking it thereafter getting better, what virus are they likely to have had?



… Just read this on BBC Newz…

Mexican Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova told the BBC that, based on samples tested, the mortality rate was comparable with that of seasonal flu. – source – Ho ho!




Vaccine Orgy

I used to think vaccines were a good thing. That was until I actually learned something about them.

Here’s a short video:

Vaccines REALLY Safe? – Mary Tocco  2m 55s

In a conversation with a family member about vaccines, a lady said she vaccinated her son to prevent measles. Guess what? He got measles. I told her the vaccine didn’t work. She said if he hadn’t have had the vaccine his measles would have been worse. I asked her how did she know that? I got no logical reply.

The issue of vaccines is dominated on public percieved wisdom, which is actually: wholesale ignorance. Cheerleading ‘things vaccine’  are the public who mentally convince themselves they are ‘sicnece liberated’ and will, for a few reasons, repeat what ‘sounds scientific’. The second set are those who gain financially from the idea and infrastructure of vaccines, either by earning a salary as say a cleaner in a lab that deals with vaccines, or via royalties which doubltessly claimed by many so called ‘experts’ in the field of virology.

If the claims about vaccines were true, then I wouldn’t have any problem with the above. However the mind-warping rubbish spouted out about vaccines and the obvious conflict of interest by vaccine advocates, as well as the FACT that the field of vaccine research is parallel with that biowarfare, all comes to mean that I have a VERY BIG PROBLEM with ‘things vaccine’.

On the one hand vaccines appear successful: Polio and Smallpox to name but two, however it is rather intellectually fraudulent to only look at the apparent successes and not the dangers or possible dangers? But let’s leave aside a few issues for now, e.g. the biowarfare element.

We have been pumping vaccines into our bodies for decades yet the new viri (the awkward sounding but correct plural of virus)  viruses (OED does not recognise viri) seem to be breaking out with greater frequency.


Sanitation and general nutrition as generally improved globally has it not? (at this point we’ll leave out food pollutants like aspartame, MSG and E-numbers). Allow me to stick with that debateable claim.

I can think of a few reason why:

1) The nucleic acids and proteins of all these accumulated vaccines in our bodies produce unstudied effects within our bodies which are detrimental to our health.

2) The additives e.g. stabilizers such as thiomersal (a compound containing mercury) exert a toxic effect. In fact I think about a year ago I read a US medical report calling for zero mercury levels to exist in human biological applications (can’t remember the specifics, sorry)

3) Vaccines themselves, by the very way they are produced COULD THEMSELVES mutate in ways similar to the viri viruses the vaccines are supposed to nullify).

Here’s some stuff from the BBC Newz website:


Two different techniques are being used.

First, “reverse genetics”, where scientists take the H and the N surface proteins from the H1N1 virus and mix them with a laboratory virus known as PR8.

This creates a harmless hybrid virus which can be used for the vaccine.

The second technique involves injecting both the H1N1 and PR8 viruses into eggs and allowing the hybrid strain to be created through a natural re-assortment of their genes.

The vaccine will work by tricking the immune system into thinking it has been infected with the H1N1 swine flu virus so that it creates antibodies against it.

Is this seemingly greater occurance of scary viri viruses (again I’ll have to leave out another important element: Govt fear mongering, burying of significant events and junk journalism) connected with the numbers of vaccines we are taking? – source


The hype and presstituting of selling Tamiflu and masks over the last few weeks have been a disgrace. No doubt about it.

The danger is that from all this JUNK – FEAR – OVER-INFLATION of the dangers etc, that should a real pandemic occuer then like the boy who cried wolf, the outcome could be serious. We should we wary in the light of suspected pandemic. 

I think the makers of Tamiflu should only have their costs met from the Tamiflu sales. The rest into an investigation into their research on these viri viruses.

Michel Chossudovsky, in his article here, says:

The Real Global Crisis is marked by poverty, economic collapse, ethnic strife, death and destruction, the derogation of civil rights and  the demise of State social programs. The EU announcement of the swine flu pandemic inevitably serves to weaken the social protest movement which has spread across Europe. – source:

He’s got a very strong point. But the-scum-that-be (tstb) who rule over us positively LOVE these events. Remember Rahm Emannuel the other day? It gives these scumsuckers enhanced dictaroial powers as well as the opportunity to make themselves look good and all ‘leadership’ like. YUCK! It so insincere. so fake. Just like the crap the BBC feveroushly pumped out ove the last week or so.

Henry Makow Ph.D. says:

When we hear about pig flu, let’s keep our focus on the big picture. We are infected by a more serious and widespread cancer, satanism, under the guises of communism, liberalism, socialism, zionism, fascism, feminism and globalism. Luciferianism permeates society in the form of materialism, naturalism, occultism, obscenity, sadism, violence, pornography and promiscuity. – source:

Here then, is a hopeful remedy, some counter-propaganda videos to try and give you a more knowledgeable view:

Vaccination – The Hidden Truth
(Pay careful attention to the Romanian(?) female Doctor  Dr. Viera Scheibnew PhD – an Australian scientist and her presentaion on the effectiveness of vaccines, who uses articles from some of the the most prestidgeous peer reviewed medical journals around)

Mary Tocco. Are vacciens safe? 2:37:45

Vaccine Nation – Director’s Cut (Gary Null)   1:29:40


Why Vaccines Aren’t Safe (  44:48

CDC know the gene sequence for virulence in Spanish flu

BBC world a few hours ago showed some woman [Dr Anne Schuchat I think. She’s mentioned here:] in blue making a CDC press statement saying this H1N1 lacks the virulence present in the Spanish flu.




Do you understand what that means? They know the gene sequence for pathogenic influenza virulence. How do they know this? What work was undertaken in this respect?

The US has been weaponizing biowarfare agents for years in the name of defence. It is also in breach of the NPT whereby it is supposed to undertake steps to rid itself of its nuclear arsenal. And the US isn’t alone. All these megalomaniac states who have some perverse idea that they have some right to control the world and wage numerous wars in pursuit of that belief, have weapons just waiting to kill billions.

PNAC makes reference to RACE SPECIFIC bioweapons. One way this can be done is by binary coupling. A pre-warfare agent is released amongst the population, harmless by itself, only if it interacts with second infectious agent (this second agent is itself also harmless) will the possibility of death occur.

Extract from Biowarfare and terrorism. Professor Francis A. Boyle. (ISBN:983061809-8) Page 59:

Now some of the same Neo-Cons during the Bush Jr. administration such as Wolfowitz have adopted the policy and are implementing programs to the effect that the United States government must prepare to fight offensively and “win” through waging biological warfare. In theory, this offensive strategy for launching biological warfare requires two elemental programmatic components:

1. The Pentagon must develop and produce an arsenal of proven biowarfare agents together with effective delivery systems and dispersal mechanisms

2. The united States government must prepare adequate biowarfare “defences” in order to protect America’s civilian population at home from anticipated biowarfare retaliation by an adversity as well as from “blowback” upon invading U.S. troops on the American “homeland” resulting from the Pentagon overtly or the CIA covertly unleashing biological warfare pursuant to the aforementioned Bush Jr. September 2002 and December 2002 national strategy directives – or from any catastrophic accidental release of biological warfare agents which might occur during research and production of same.

The book goes on to list a number of Pentagon ‘mission’ statements, the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (FPEIS) and the Chemical and Biological Defence Program (CBDP) published in May 2004


  • Channel Four – Mark Thomas: Weapons Inspector. Mark takes on the role of UNTHOM weapons inspector, and sets out to find WMD – not in Iraq – but in Britain and the US. stream real player, download real player


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