Posts Tagged 'Israel'

Tom Secker 7/7 london bombings SCADS 2nd Conf – March 2012

See 19:39 timeline

“There’s a pattern here, and I think It’s highly likely that all three of these men: Martin [Abdullah] McDaid,  Mohammed Qayum Khan [a.k.a. Mohammed Quayyum Khan, a.k.a. ‘Q’], Mohammed Junaid Babar [4 years in prison] were all working for the security services- either British or American “

Why not the so called “Israeli” intelligence services Tom?

p.s. the youtube page with Tom’s performance had this horrible coincidence on the side menu.

Obama Obomba Obummer!


Obama was against other people declaring war against the Iraqi people, however like all forked tongued USan politicians, he will not end the war. Not only that, but according to Democracy Now, he would not “rule out” using private military companies like Blackwater Worldwide in Iraq. He has also said that if need be, he would bomb [parts of] Pakistan, and to cap it off he said “I’m a stalwart friend of Israel, its security is sacrosanct” [haaretz].

No ‘change’ there then.

So where exactly does this Obamas ‘Change’ lobbox actually mean?

Here’s my guess:
Instead of a white dumb jackass of a man lying to you,
a suave half-black man will do it instead.

We have experienced great political frauds in the UK ourselves. After the appalling Tory years, we were on our political knees saying ANYTHING is better than this. How bloody wrong we were. Although many suspected evil mass murderer to be, Mr. Tony bLiar, would junk socialist principles given half the chance, the public voted for him. Boy what a mistake that was. The Brits are still smarting from Bliars meglomaniac mega-con. The USans have yet to fall for it.

NO MATTER WHO THEY VOTE FOR, (McCain’s already lost IMO, and no independent candidate will win either) the USans are heading for a major disappointment.

This era of contemporary politics is long past its ‘use before’ date. In fact is is decaying with a very nasty smell of self enrichment and plutocracy. It is up to the citizens to case off this diseased form of governance and put in its place an altruistic form of government.

Moves towards the expanding the borders of Zion continue.

It was a good fiery “Inside Iraq” this week (Al Jazeera English, AJE, Fri 9th Nov 07).

Watch here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

AJE reports that Israel is working/training with the PKK/Peshmerga in Northern Iraq. Which would be a betrayal to turkey its 3rd closest Ally after the US and UK.

 { Note Al Jazeera English reports on Turkey – Israel ties: Turkey one of the first countries to Accept the occupation of Palestine as early as 1949, Diplomatic relations since 1950, signed a joint Military defence agreement in 1996, Did not grant what was left of the destroyed state of Palestine full diplomatic states after Israel protested in 1988, has purchased Israeli aircraft system and held joint military exercises. Since 1997 it has had  a free trade agreement with Israel which in the first half of 2007, saw over 1bn$ worth of traded goods.[2] }

But of course, it’s NOT a betrayal at all. Because Turkey and Israel are just different flavours of the same food: Zionism. Zionism pulls easily manipulated people from ALL the monotheistic faiths. “Jewish” Zionists are well known, “Christian” (evangelical) Zionists have become very visible in the last 10 years or so, and the taboo (because of the association of Israel with Muslims) “Muslim” Zionists, for example the Ruling elite in Turkey and some of it’s population that worship the genocidal Young Turks of yesteryear. All Zionists have to do is cloak their dirty cause in whatever religion it wants to. The idiots in ALL these religions join up and think it’s OK to slaughter and oppress people, economically politically and socially, while believing they are on the side of God.

Zionist Turkey, Zionist  Britain, Zionist US and Zionist Israel are all the same thing. If some Israelis, Turks or Kurds get killed so what? To these scumbags the ends justified the means. See Jassim Al-Azzawi’s fact of Mossad bombing Iraqi synagogues.

You will be very hard pressed to hear any condemnation of Israel by Turkey. Instead you will hear Turkish references to Israel interlaced with generous helpings of wolds like “friend”, “partner” and “Ally”.

In the Inside Iraq program, there are many gems of cheerleading Israeli lies.  I’ll only write a few here, but I must say, the slippery pro-Israel Gissin, in a program about Israeli actions in North Iraq tried constantly to talk about Iran and Syria instead. What a surprize. To see of utter lobbox spoken, please watch his pantomime performance.

Zionist propagandist Raanan Gissin

 Raanan Gissin (Propaganda expert, picture above) [777s]: “Israel like any other country in the world is engaged in gaining intelligence information particularly in areas that are critical to its security and its survival and to the survival to the rest of the middle east, so I’m not, I don’t know about specific operations that we conduct but I can assure you, we don’t conduct any subversive activities, we don’t support terrorist activity like the Iranians do.

Propaganda schmuck Raanan Gissin again [852s]: “We are not involved in Iraq in any way that Iran is involved that Syria is involved. We do respect and support the integrity of Iraq...”

Jassim Al-Azzawi (presenter of Inside Iraq) [811s] :  “Israel conducted operation(s) in Iraq and Egypt in the 50’s, to the extent that Israeli Mossad bombed synagogues in Iraq, that ended in killing Iraqi Jews. You cannot deny that Israel will go to the end of the word in order to achieve its goals.

From what I see, the Kurds are relatively innocent grabbing onto whatever thug they think can opportunely protect them at any one particular time, understandable to some degree.

Well done Fereydun Hilmi for reporting and confirming the physical presence of Israeli by his own eyes, in addition to the numerous historical will-wishing operations of Israeli’s in the past as well as modern reports of their presence by Seymour Hersh {By the way there were reports of an Israeli presence there long before Mr. Hersh reported it recently. Reports could be found on But like so many other things, people only believe it when a mainstream source says it, illustrating the danger and the manipulation the mainstream media has. The capitulating media is the most dangerous thing to liberty. Thankfully Al Jazeera isn’t so willing to follow (and yes, it does have its faults). 

UPDATE: 16th Nov 07. Just found this:

Iraqi Turkmen, Kurds, Turks and Israelis [3] (Tuesday, November 13, 2007)
Christopher Jon Bjerknes

I expect that the ongoing Kurdish (Mossad) assassinations of Iraqi Turkmen will soon escalate into massacres, which will be used as a pretext by the Doenmeh Jews of Turkey to invade Iraq through to the oil fields of Kirkuk so as to rescue their Turkish “brothers” from the Kurds. This is a set up by World Jewry on all sides.and this…

Zionist Media finally admits: US is running death squads in Iraq [4]




(how to make comments link appear at the end of a post?) – anyone?


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